It feels like so many girls have tried tapdancing when they were a kid.
It’s almost like how all boys played soccer when they were little!
Like most things though, we all grow out of the things we did when we were kids.
Most guys don’t become professional soccer players and most girls never dance professionally.

Still, there is the occasional individual who learns as a kid they are REALLY good at what they do and stick with it to adulthood.
Those sort of people are amazing.
Sticking with a hobby to become truly good at it through adulthood isn’t easy and it isn’t popular.

What’s even rarer is to find friends who have done the exact same thing! For the Fusion Fighters, that’s exactly what happened.
The Fusion Fighters are a group of Irish dancers that release videos online and teach workshops.
Fusion Fighters is an inclusive Irish dance performance company and online community. Performances, Workshops, Video Projects, Monthly Membership & Fusion Dance Fest. – YouTube
They recently released a video with three of their dancers and if you like Irish dancing, you need to check it out.
The three dancers are Lily, Aisling, and Ciara and together, they make quite the trio!

The video is set in a field and the music choice… well, it’s surprising!

When we think of Irish dancing we probably think of a fiddle and a flute, but that isn’t what we get with this dance!
The video, titled “Unbelievable Dance Trio 💚”, is about to show us what makes it so unbelievable!
Each girl has their own wooden board to dance on in the middle of a field.

The music is an electronic/punk rock/mix!
As we said, it’s interesting! Still, it has its own cool vibes as the distorted song starts and the girls start dancing.
Their feet look like a blur as they hop and leap around!

Wearing black pants and a white shirt, they dance in sync to create this wonderful tapping sound!
Their Irish dancing style is so intriguing to watch and represents their culture so beautifully.
The Irish Dance masters refined and codified indigenous Irish dance traditions. Rules emerged about proper upper body, arm, and foot placement. Also, dancers were instructed to dance a step twice—first with the right foot then with the left. Old-style step dancers dance with arms loosely (but not rigidly) at their sides. They dance in a limited space. There is an emphasis on making percussive sound with the toes. – Wikipedia (Irish Dance)

Watching them dance, you see all those markers of traditional dance (the upper body and arm rigidity), while also being interesting and modern enough that we all find it incredibly interesting!
Watching them dance is truly beautiful to watch.

They are so coordinated and crisp with their movements!
People in the comments came out to show their love to the traditional dancers and we think they are totally right!
A-M-A-Z-I-N-G!!! I love how YOU HONOR your heritage by bringing it to a new audience with an update and a twist! KEEP DANCING! YOU are inspiring us with fierce girl POWER. Awesome!
Check out their amazing talent in the video below!
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