Little Girls Recitals Take a Cute Turn For Disaster
Sometimes it’s the mishaps that make for the best memories.
Alyssa Fike

Everybody knows recitals are something every child and parent look forward to during the school year. Not only do the children and parents look forward to it, but the teachers do too since they’ve worked hard to put it together! It’s always fun to watch the kids show off their talents and sometimes those talents get clouded by hilarious impromptu moments.

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The spotlight comes up and the girls’ nerves began to show

In this video, we see multiple little girls take their recital and make it their own. For the first little girl, she seems to have forgotten the exact moves to her recital and begins to perform her own, unique moves. She also seems to bee trying to tell the crowd something but the only thing coming across is her silly moves.

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The next little girl seems to be upset at her boy partner and looks like they’re having a heated argument. After her hilarious encounter, we have a little girl that is singing Happy Birthday to Jesus and proceeds to put the little boy next to her under her dress. How silly!

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Thee next clip wee see is little girls performing a tap-dancing routine and one of their shoes falls off. She looks horrified as she rushes to put her shoe back on, poor little girl! After this, we have a bunch of silly little ballerinas messing around on stage without a care in the world and their misplaced dollies.

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These parents have to be proud of their silly girls’ impromptu moves!

Although the recitals may not be going perfect, the adorable way these little girls handle it makes it better than the original. We also see a little girl get quite upset because she dropped her lollipop and the people in the audience can’t help but chuckle.

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The video ends with the sending of a recital that a little girl was so excited about she’s won’t put down her arms! The parent’s recording can’t help but laugh at their silly daughter. These videos show that no matter what happens in the recital, it will end up being terribly cute!

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There are more hilarious videos where this one came from.

This video was posted on America’s Funniest Videos which you more than likely have heard of. Not only is is a very popular television show but they also have a YouTube channel, where you can find many more hilarious videos like the one we are watching. Their videos vary from everything funny and obviously they have good taste!

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America’s Funniest Videos is the longest-running funny television program and has been collecting these hilarious videos since 1989. No wonder some of these recitals seem to be a bit old. It’s nice to know those hilarious moments like these ones will live on forever, however, maybe the little girls don’t feel the same!

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IF you have a funny video like the ones in this video you can always submit it to America’s Funniest Video and that might be your recital we end up watching! These little girls are hilarious and it’s nice to see a platform like this one to watch classic, funny clips like these.

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Check out this video down below for yourself and laugh along with the crowd of these recitals!

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