Brothers Hilarious Christmas Song Earns 3.4M Views
They have me laughing so hard.
Eduardo Gaskell

Lardo and Burley are The Moron Brothers. No, we’re not making this up. That’s really who they are. Not by blood, but it was in the early nineties when Mike Carr (Lardo) would practice his banjo in front of Lexington Fire Station #5.

Friends and neighbors would stop by and jam with him but it wasn’t until 1995 when a guitarist named Mike Hammond (Burley) made his mark on the other Mike. They became more than friends. They became brothers.

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Brothers of bluegrass.

Both men come from hardworking, religious families and they always tour with their wives. Mike Carr says,

“We feel that there is enough sickness and grief in the world today and the good Lord means for people to have good, clean fun and laughter. Maybe that is why he gave us the talent to play and write these funny songs. If that’s our purpose in life (and we hope it is), then we are going to do it as long as we can.Consider The Moron Brothers for your next event. Whether it be a festival, alumni banquet, or fundraiser, your audience will be sure to have a great time and they will have you to thank.”

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These two old timers in their overalls and caps use music to express their humor. And since Christmas is upon us, the morons decided to have a little fun and sing about why Santa won’t be visiting their houses this year.

It doesn’t matter if you were naughty or nice when you give Santa’s reindeer lice!


Listen carefully as those accents can catch you unaware. It’s very bluegrass from the “morons” of Kentucky.

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So they go on about how Santa came for a visit last year and since good old St. Nick was tired, he lay down on their couch. But then Santa bolted up and went to check his reindeer. Why?

“They were scratchin’ from ear to ear.”

Oh boy. And so it goes on how Santa never came back to visit since they were the ones who gave the reindeer lice. Yup, those parasitic, blood sucking insects that can only crawl.


Now it took them three to four days to get back to the north pole seeing as they scratched and itched all the way back. Not even Rudolph’s bright, shiny nose could overcome the infestation.

Lardo and Burley have nearly 3.5 million views for this one. It’s fast becoming a staple for the holidays!

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Do you know what Santa did when he got back home? He shaved. Imagine that. Then he shaved all his reindeer too. So much so that Rudolph’s nose turned blue. And it was all the brothers’ fault.

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Don’t be scratching your head though. The Moron Brothers never bothered to clean up even though they knew that Santa would be arriving. That’s it though. No more presents for the Mikes. Until they get rid of all the lice at least.

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Here’s a new song for Christmas you won’t forget! Listen to the funny brothers below!

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