French dancer captivates audience with his powerful performance about life
His captivating performance has been viewed over 16 million times.
Caryl Jane Espiritu

They say life is a constant struggle, and this is nothing but true.


We may be living the good life today, but tomorrow is not promised. There can be moments of fun and happiness, followed by moments of challenge or loneliness.

All these roller coaster encounters are part of being human and being alive. Although we know this fact deep inside, there are still some people who are struggling to understand that life is filled with ups and downs.


Yoann Bourgeois, a famous French dancer, also knows this fact of life.

As a world-renowned performer, Yoann is used to being on the top of his chosen art. He knows how it is to be on high ground, but he also knows that life is not always made up of good and nice things.

Instagram - Yoann Bourgeois
Instagram - Yoann Bourgeois

Yoann is not only a dancer. He is also a choreographer and an artist. He trained in circus art in Châlons-en-Champagne, and is now leading his own Compagnie Yoann Bourgeois touring dancing troupe.

His elaborate and unusual creativity when it comes to dancing has earned him multiple descriptions from various magazines. The New Yorker dubbed him as a “nouveau-cirque acrobat” and “droll, slapstick comedian,” while the New York Times called him a “dramatist of physics.”

YouTube Screnshot - Mathieu Stern
YouTube Screnshot - Mathieu Stern

Yoann is definitely a master in his art, and he proved once again that he is one remarkable dancer with a simple, yet powerful, dance about life.

In his performance uploaded by the YouTube channel Mathieu Stern, Yoann used a flight of stairs and a trampoline to convert his message to his audience. The music starts and an eerie silence from the crowd is heard.

YouTube Screnshot - Mathieu Stern
YouTube Screnshot - Mathieu Stern

At the beginning of his number, Yoann already showed his simplicity but commitment to his act. He was wearing a rather ordinary pair of pants, a dark shirt, and sneakers. He slowly climbs the stairs and before he can even reach the top half of the stairs, the dancer falls down to the side where the trampoline is placed.

The French dancer slowly and dramatically steps up again, falls back to the side, and steps back up again.

YouTube Screnshot - Mathieu Stern
YouTube Screnshot - Mathieu Stern

There is, obviously, a bigger story than just a man consistently falling behind after a few progress in his climb up the ladder. Much like the real story about life, we humans are not immune to failures and struggles.

Just when we are almost at the top, life pulls us down again to experience failure and then struggle again to get back up. It is a constant battle that every person goes through.

YouTube Screnshot - Mathieu Stern
YouTube Screnshot - Mathieu Stern

Success is at the top, but getting there is never easy.

We move one step forward and fall two steps back. It is a cycle that is hard to break but if we don’t give up and just continue in life, we eventually reach the part where we find success and triumph.

YouTube Screnshot - Mathieu Stern
YouTube Screnshot - Mathieu Stern

Yoann’s simple but dramatic and powerful dance was captivating and without even saying a word to the audience, the message he was trying to tell them is very clear. It is quite incredible to watch such a talented storyteller in action, and we bet you will also find it hard to look away once you start watching Yoann dance.

The YouTube video has racked up more than 16 million views and we can understand why it is such a hit.

YouTube Screnshot - Mathieu Stern
YouTube Screnshot - Mathieu Stern

Witness the powerful dance for yourself by watching the video below.

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