There are some artists whose work is so iconic that we have immediate associations when we hear their names.
When somebody mentions The Beatles, we all picture four mop-topped British gents singing innovative, spiritual pop songs. If someone brings up Elvis Presley, we picture his swinging hips and his distinctive swagger.

Still, few artists have had as much widespread influence and lasting power as Bob Dylan. Although Dylan never had a technically powerful voice, his incredibly lyricism and his revolutionary approach to folk and rock music have never left the culture.
Needless to say, anyone covering a Bob Dylan song has their work cut out for them!

Fortunately, one contestant on the French version of The Voice was brave enough and talented enough to pull it off.
For those who don’t know, The Voice is a franchise of shows that all operate more or less the same way. Contestants come out on stage for a “blind audition” before a panel of judges who have their backs turned to the stage.

As the person onstage sings, the judges can hit their buzzers to turn around if they like what they’re hearing. At the end of the performance, all the judges who hit their buzzer can compete over the contestant, trying to get them to join their team. While the contestants compete to win the show, the judges also compete amongst themselves to build the best vocal team.
This performance we’re talking about took place on the French version’s 2016 season.

The contestant was Tamara Weber-Fillion, and like any other contestant, she walked out on stage and took up her guitar.
Although the first few guitar strums were recognizable, nobody was prepared for what came next. When her voice came out, it was so shaky and distinctive.

Much like Dylan himself, her voice didn’t try to be technically perfect—instead, she went for a deep soulfulness and a gentleness in contrast to Dylan’s raw, rough vocals. After just a few seconds, the first judge hits his buzzer to turn around!
After only a few more seconds, two more judges hit their buzzers as well!

As the song goes on, her delivery and unique vocal stylings only get more and more confident.
After just a few more moments, she gets the final judge to hit his buzzer as well for a four-chair turn! Weber-Fillion’s performance is so good that the judges are talking amongst themselves and bouncing up and down in their seats before she’s even finished singing.

When it’s finally over, the whole crowd gets on their feet to give her a huge round of applause.
Although the show aired in France, the clip has since earned nearly 26 million views on YouTube!

Above all, Weber-Fillion’s audition shows just how important it is to bring your own personality into your performances.
Although it’s a big risk to take on an iconic song that the audience knows so well, it can be a huge boon to your success if you have a unique interpretation of it.

In her version, she stayed true to the spirit of the original while completely changing the vocals and breathing a new life into the song! Though it might go without saying, we’re expecting to see some great things from her in the future.

Congratulations to Tamara Weber-Fillion on a truly remarkable performance! Watch the full thing in the clip below:
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