The “Lord of the Dance” is a world-famous Irish musical, which was created, choreographed and produced by Michael Flatley. It is about the fight between the Lord of the Dance and his evil, dark enemy, for Planet Ireland, which the latter wants to take over.

The music of the show was written by Ronan Hardiman, and it has been on tour several times since its first performance in 1996. Within a decade, the show was taken on tour all over the world, to countries including the Netherlands, UK, Israel, South Africa, Japan, USA, UAE, Chile, and many more.

During the show, more than twenty songs are sung and danced to, which is a challenging task for the dancers taking part in the show.
One of those songs is called “Siamsa”. According to some people, this one is the most interesting song of the whole show, which also features the liveliest and happiest dance of all.

Due to its vivid music and its upbeat rhythm, Siamsa has tempted many teachers to teach a simplified version of it, obviously, to their students so they can perform it during school presentations. The girls in this video are dress in traditional Irish wear and start by forming a line.

Quickly the music starts and they rearrange with the style of dance that gives such precision and speed it’s like candy to the eyes. Though some of the features of this style of dance seems to be a cross between tap dancing and ballet, truly Irish dancing is a form all to itself.

“This is my favorite,” a teacher comments on YouTube, “I have done this with kids in 4th grade in my school last year, of course much simplified, and they really enjoyed it. We performed it at School Annual presentation.”

Apparently, this was not the only teacher who decided to teach the dance to their students.

Lurgan Junior High School is located in Lurgan, Northern Ireland, and it is a school that promotes not only numeracy, literacy, and technology, but also drama, music, design and more.
It seems that these school girls learned the choreography as part of a drama or music lesson, and they performed it when they had mastered it- which they obviously have, judging by the video. Though most of the style of the dance is held below the knee, that doesn’t mean it’s not fascinating to watch. Perhaps even moreso as the dance gets more and more complex.

They start off in a row, and then they spread, at times pairing up, and sometimes dancing solo. Their moves are very well synchronized and they seem to have rehearsed the dance countless times before attempting it on camera.

Siamsa, as the title of the song is, in Irish means “entertainment”, and that’s probably why so many people love this song- because it is meant to entertain them by definition! It’s not hard to understand why people are so fascinated by this performance. The girls have such enthusiasm and their moves are so precise. Not only that, we get to see a style of dance that isn’t as prominent though it has a rich heritage and distinctive style all of its own that makes a feel we get a glimpse into another world to appreciate its culture and style.

These young girls’ talent has been well received amassing over 3.8 million views on YouTube alone.

Watch their entertaining dance below. They will be sure to bring a smile to your face!
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