Football player stuns the crownd with majestic voice
He sings the National Anthem in match, stunning everyone with his deep voice.
Kenny Fernandez

Listening to a person sing the national anthem at a football game is very common. From the little leagues to the pros, being chosen to sing the national anthem is pretty special. Which means it has to be perfect.

Chances are it will be recorded and posted online for all to see.


However, it’s not very often that a football player is the one to whip off his helmet and belt out the tune.

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This rare scene took place at Nashoba Regional High School when sophomore, Sam Keith, grabbed the mic and performed an unforgettable rendition of the “Star-Spangled Banner.”

By no surprise, his spine-tingling performance became the talk of the internet.


Because of reality TV shows like The Voice Kids, we’ve seen countless youngsters with abilities that have taken our breath away.

On the other hand, we’ve also been exposed to a lot of amazing talent simply by scrolling through YouTube. All one has to do is to shake off the jitters and relax.

Kids and adults alike have taken social media by storm, sharing their talents and skills for the world to see.


Sam Keith became a viral sensation after he was pulled away from his football game warm-up session to sing the anthem.

Dressed in uniform, he quickly showed the world that he was more than just your stereotypical “jock.”

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Sam’s from Bolton, Massachusetts and was 15-years-old when the video of his performance was shot.

Yet, it’s not the first time he’s been the star of the show.

In addition to being a football player and singer, Sam’s an actor too.

If you were to go through his YouTube channel, you’d see lots of clips from the theatrical shows he’s been part of. This guy’s multi-talented and he’s not shy. Good for you, Sam!


Over the years he’s played roles in musicals such as Les Miserables, Oklahoma, and Footloose.

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Even as a teen, Sam possessed a deep and mature singing voice that’s full of soul. It’s no wonder he was asked to lend his talent during his school’s football game.

Sam, who’s far from a one-trick pony, took “the stage” in front of everyone while wearing his number 59 jersey. When he unleashes his voice you can immediately hear the passion in it.

The “Star-Spangled Banner” gives a lot of us goosebumps regardless of who’s performing it. After all, it is the nation’s song.

But if it’s combined with a singer like Sam, those goosebumps suddenly get goosebumps too.

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If only we were able to see the reactions of the students in the audience. Perhaps some of them had heard Sam sing during one of his shows, but likely many hadn’t attended one – so their jaws were probably on the ground.

Even in the video, you can see some of the cheerleaders with their eyes on Sam and smiles on their faces. That’s how you get the ladies to like you, gentlemen!

If they didn’t know he was an excellent singer before – they sure did now!

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One of the greatest highlights comes as Sam reaches the lyrics at the end of the national anthem. He raises his football helmet into the air as he sings, “O’er the land of the free and the home of the brave?”

The camera then rotates and you can see that the other players are holding up their helmets as well. That sense of pride and patriotism was extra special that day. Thanks to Sam!

It’s a moving moment and a perfect way to bring them all together before their game.

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Since the video was posted on YouTube it’s been watched more than 1.3 million times!

An update on Sam reads:

“Sam has continued to sing the anthem at multiple football, soccer, and basketball games at his high school. He has continued his passion for voice and acting and is currently attending University of Cincinnati as a Musical Theater Major at CCM (College Conservatory of Music). He is part of the class of 2021.”

Press play below to see 15-year-old Sam knock everyone’s socks off singing the national anthem!

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