Children are often the most compassionate humans on the planet. When they have friends that need help or are sick, they spring into action and look for ways to make things better for them. One young boy recently raised awareness of a fundraiser he has started for a friend when he went on stage at a Foo Fighters concert and started rocking out.

Collier Cash Rule is only 10, but he loves music and knows the importance of helping others.
He has a friend who has a rare disease, and Collier has made it his goal to help make things as easy as possible for the boy.
Collier was recently attending a Foo Fighters concert when he was invited up on stage to rock out with them. The boy surprised everyone when he nailed some Metallica songs with the Foo Fighters band. The video of the boy was shared online, and he became a viral sensation. Dave Grohl even gifted Collier his Gibson guitar.

It couldn’t have happened at a better time.
Collier had just launched a GoFundMe fundraiser for his friend Bo. He also has an Instagram page where he shares videos and has asked people to help donate to Bo. The GoFundMe page says:
“My friend Bo has a rare disease. He has:
“Type 1 diabetes
“Growth Hormone Deficient (he produces none and his mom has to give him a shot daily)
“IGG deficiency (gets IVIG every other week)
“Rheumatoid Arthritis
“Chronic Lung Disease
“Chronic Diarrhea
“Granulomas on his liver and lungs
“The National Institute of Heath named the disease after Bo. Which means it’s very rare, and there is no treatment, there is no fix, no miracle. Please help me to raise funds to help his family with all of his ongoing medical needs. We can do this!!! #rocknrollcansavetheday”

While Collier didn’t get a chance to mention his fundraiser, his viral video has led to many people searching for his name to learn more about him.
When they do, they find his fundraiser and his Instagram page, which shares the story of his friendship with Bo.
One of Collier’s Instagram posts says:
“Hi. It’s me, Collier. Please watch my videos and consider helping my friend. I’m trying to use all of this good stuff that’s happening to me to help him. He has a very rare disease. You can read all about it in the go fund me below. I was doing a lemonade stand at my house for him but my mom said I can’t invite 10,000 strangers over for lemonade. Also, thank you for all the awesome support you have given me. My mom’s picture is on the go fund me She is going to share on her FB also (Jennifer Dlugolecki). I’m not allowed to have Fb. Link for The gofundme is in my bio.”

Collier had originally asked for $10,000 to help the family with medical expenses.
In less than four days, he was able to surpass that amount. The donations are still coming in, and the fundraiser is being shared by thousands of people. It’s more than Collier or Bo’s family ever expected, but they are all thrilled and thankful for the help and money.

Collier had originally set up a lemonade stand to make money to give to Bo’s family.
His kind heart was willing to do whatever he could to help out his friend. Now that he has so many followers on Instagram thanks to the Foo Fighters concert video, he felt that he could do more for Bo.

It turns out, he was right.
Now, Bo and his family can relax while knowing that their medical bills are being taken care of.
Collier may be young, but he has shown everyone that one good deed can spread. Sometimes, all you need to do is a catch a lucky break to be able to spread your message and make a big difference for someone.
Watch the epic performance below.
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