Though it goes without saying, there are all kinds of incredible performances to discover on the internet.
If you spend much time on YouTube, you’re liable to see all kinds of different things. On the one hand, there’s professional music videos and performances made by artists who have million dollar plus budgets.

On the other hand, you’re also liable to find all kinds of private creators and fans doing their own interpretations of famous songs and great performances. The joy of the internet is that it’s an equal playing field.
And sometimes, you come across some incredibly talented people who you wouldn’t have found otherwise.

In today’s video, it’s a little bit of all the above.
That’s because the performers we’re talking about are professional musicians with their own channel, and they’re very talented.

However, they’re also fans of other famous musicians and do their own inventive covers of them on their YouTube channel. The group we’re talking about Wuauaquikuna, a duo of brothers who come from Ecuador and play traditional folk music from different indigenous traditions.
As such, the instruments they use are more traditional and aren’t as familiar to some people—but the melody they’re playing is.

In this video, the song they decided to cover was Simon and Garfunkel’s “The Sound of Silence.”
As it turns out, the song is a favorite of YouTube musicians and other artists all around the world to cover—and there have been all kinds of different interpretations of it, some of which have even gone viral.

Still, the version that Wuauaquikuna does is truly unlike any other out there on the internet. At the very beginning, they start playing an atmospheric introduction using a tiny instrument.
After that, they play the main melody on a flute in a way that makes it sound all the more haunting.

Aside from using flutes and pan flutes, the brothers also use other instruments for percussion and rhythm.
Throughout the performance, they shake and rattle other instruments to make evocative sounds that build the atmosphere perfectly.

Towards the end of it all, the brothers bring out an even bigger pan flute to finish the song up. After that, the two of them play pan flutes at the same time to make some beautiful melodies together.
When it’s all over, the two smile and take a bow.

Since the clip was loaded online, it has been viewed more than five million times!
Still, it’s not the only video of its kind on their channel that’s worth checking out. As it turns out, these two brothers know their musical history well. In addition to playing their own compositions, they also covered pop songs by ABBA including their hit “Chiquitita.” Once again, it sounds absolutely incredible!
In all, this performance is a tribute to the fluidity of music and to their creativity!
Although there are an infinite number of ways to cover or interpret any piece of music, this one is particularly beautiful. If you enjoyed this video, be sure to check out their channel and give them more of your support—good music deserves more attention!
Thanks to Wuauquikuna for their awesome cover! Be sure to check out the entire thing in the link below:
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