Although the internet is a great way to discover new talent and new trends, it also has a way of perpetuating trends in itself.
If you were to get on YouTube, a lot of the content you would find there would be vloggers posting their daily lives, professional musicians uploading music videos and plenty of other content as well.

Still, other genres of content have “popped up” as a result of their popularity online—take gender reveal parties, for example. Though there are plenty of examples of this trend, there’s one that seems most popular above all on YouTube.
The trend we’re talking about, of course, is the flash mob video.

For those who don’t know, flash mobs are seemingly spontaneous public performances designed to go viral online.
There have been tons of these videos over the years, many of which have become popular.

Many of them happen at weddings or somehow involve weddings, though with each one that comes out, there seems to be a need to top the last one. The video we’re talking about today is definitely one of these same videos.
Still, this group definitely raised the bar!

The clip was originally posted in December 2018 and it takes place in Leicester Square in London.
In the beginning of the video, there’s a man performing a song on acoustic guitar in public. A moment later, some words explain that a couple, Romi and her boyfriend Bharat, were in London.

Still, Romi didn’t know that her boyfriend was even in town! The whole ruse begins with a couple asking Romi to take their picture in the middle of the square.
A moment after she does it, a lone dancer starts dancing around behind them.

Right away, he starts breakdancing and hitting all kinds of strange poses.
Before long, the group around them moves away and space opens up in the middle of everything.

Though he’s dancing by himself at the beginning, soon the music changes and there are two or three more dancers in the middle with him! By now, a huge area has cleared out for them to dance and everyone is standing around watching and filming.
A moment later, the music changes and more dancers join in as well.

Though there are only about five dancers so far, it’s clear that this is a big performance that took a while to plan.
After that, several new dancers run in and pull off some acrobatic breakdance moves that nobody has tried yet! Towards the end, more people in masks appear… and that’s when the big twist happens.

In the middle of it all, Romi’s boyfriend Bharat appears in one of the masks! Even so, he keeps leading the dancers and doesn’t reveal who he is.
When it’s finally over, he takes his mask off… and gets down on one knee!

Though it goes without saying, Romi had no idea that the proposal was coming!
After he asks her, she says yes and the whole crowd gives them a big round of applause.

Since the video was posted, it has earned more than 16 million views and it’s easy to see why. Above all, it’s a testament to how creative and inspiring these performances can be.
Congratulations to the happy couple! Be sure to check out the whole thing in the link below:
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