In the six years since a little song by Mark Ronson featuring Bruno Mars broke, it has held its own. In fact, as of March 2020, the music video for this song is officially the sixth most viewed video on Youtube with a moving total of 3.8 Billion views. The song is of course, “Uptown Funk” the pop-culture tour de force that can redefined modern pop music.
Love it or hate it…It’s a jam!

Among the many (read: MANY!) iterations of covers, dances, remixes and of course lip syncs, is this dub of the song by Orting Valley Fire & Rescue.
The entire department unite to perform for the camera, lip syncing with spectacular vivacity to put their station on the map. They’re a talented bunch (although some are more comfortable in front of the camera than others!), and seeing them get down with the funk is oh so entertaining.
It all starts off with this sleepy fella waking up to the classic “do doo do, do doo do” that gets you all excited for what’s about to begin.

Then we get this driver who is down-to-funk, and cooly looks out the window as he mouths along.
With such a cool song, it’s hard to sing along (or pretend to sing along) without looking at least a little cool.

We know that Firemen drive fire-trucks…but lawnmowers?
Well the proof is in the picture! This guy may have left the fire truck behind in favor of a John Deere ride-on lawnmower, but his complete firefighting gear says he is ready for action all the same.

And just when you think we’re looking at only a truck, you’d be wrong!
That’s the case when a firefighter leaps out of the side of a truck, all to mouth along with Bruno Mars as he makes his way across the parking garage. I hope this is how he normally moves around “the office”.

Of course this guy creates his own disco inferno, I hope he can put it out too!
He is serving red-hot disco realness. This guy is so cool, he could put a blazing building out with a few of these ice-cold moves.

Normally a man standing on top of a truck brandishing a chainsaw would fill me with dread…
But throw a little Uptown Funk in the mix, and it changes everything! Now I feel like I’m being rescued from boredom!

Even if you’re lost at sea, you can be saved by this abundant style!
It seems there’s nowhere this fire and rescue team won’t go! And yes, I do include the song’s old school MC rap breakdowns in that!

Because when that time come around, this guy has got it covered.
With a new hip-hop style and Mars’s old school disco party delivery, cool just got cooler.

Even the rescued can have a blast with these guys!
Don’t worry kid, I’m sure you’ll get to safety, but who’s to say you can’t get down with your bad self on the way there?

Even when they clean, they can bring a smile to your face!
These guys can bring the heat, even when they pick up the mop. I wonder how often the end of those mops get used as pretend microphone stands?

And of course, it’s not over ’til the mascot gets involved.
The quintessential fire-dog brings the video home. Of course, not every gallant fireman is written about here, but every one of them set fire to our hearts and brought smiles to our faces.

And some of the comments show just how much this video resonated with viewers:
Watch the full video below to enjoy this riot of fun.
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