You’ve been probably living under a rock if you haven’t heard “Thunderstruck” by the famous hard rock Aussies.
To be honest, just about everyone probably heard of the AC/DC hit song from their 1990 album The Razors Edge. On the other hand, the bluegrass version, although equally amazing, might not be so familiar.

This Finnish band plays the Australian rock song in an American bluegrass style.

Steve ‘n’ Seagulls is a Finnish country band and they became quite famous for their bluegrass versions of well-known hard rock and metal songs.
They started posting on YouTube in 2014 and fans haven’t been able to get enough of them since. Their “Thunderstruck” cover has gotten a lot of attention, but it’s not the first famous song the band has covered. Some renditions of the worldwide hits on Steve ‘n’ Seagulls channel include Metallica’s “Nothing Else Matters,” “Cemetery Gates” by Pantera and Iron Maiden’s “Aces High.”
Still, we were surprised that a bluegrass cover could sound this good!

As the video begins, you can see a fellow with an accordion rolling up on a lawnmower.
From that moment on you know that the video is either going to be a disaster or the best thing you’ve seen in a long time. Fortunately, it’s definitely the latter
Raise a hand if you didn’t know Finland had such versatile country bands!

These fellas have it all: an accordion, the banjo, balalaika, mandoline, kantele, flute, drums, percussion and an acoustic guitar.
It all makes sense now—you get such a good sound when you count on so many instruments and on people playing them like professionals. As it turns out, the band has released two albums and they often perform live. And speaking of counting, Steve ‘n’ Seagulls had a lot to count when they realized that the video got over 100 million YouTube views!

These guys have not only shown us that you can make a “Thunderstruck” without electric instruments, but you can also make it completely epic.
We’re guessing that AC/DC would be proud of this cover as well. A rock solo finally sounds wholesome on accordion!

You just don’t hear enough anvil being played these days, but when you do, it usually turns out spectacular.
It’s actually hard to believe that they’re Finnish! At first glance, it looks like they’re in Kentucky or someplace similar. The lead singer puts a lot of effort to deliver the song the way the original band meant for it to sound, and we appreciate that. You’ll have to listen to this a few times to grasp the fact that men came from nowhere and managed to make such a piece of amazing music comes from a banjo, an anvil and a spoon. What a perfect video to get inspiration from—just be original and do your thing! If there’s passion and talent involved, results will follow.
You know that things are getting done right when both rockers and bluegrass lovers warm up to your music.

The band has already had a US tour, where people enjoyed their quirky performances filled with great music and attitude.
Nordic talents said that they “take music really seriously, even though it’s fun.” We couldn’t agree more! If you’re having fun while doing the things you love with a serious approach, you’re bound to hit the jackpot.
Congratulations to them on this awesome performance! Be sure to check out the video in the clip below:
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