Nothing brings the family together quite like Christmas does. No matter how far apart you are or how busy everyone’s been, the holidays seem to magically gather everyone under one roof to share in traditions that have been in the family for years. This is the time of year when you can’t help but bask in the commotion of families erupting into laughter, snippets of loud conversation and banter, kids laughing and running about, and festive music tying it all together.
See, Christmas means so much more than just gift-giving, cooking, and decorating. It presents you with so many opportunities to just be with your loved ones.

Some take the time to settle comfortably in front of the fireplace for conversations that last hours, some take walks in the snow and marvel at how much more beautiful everything is at Christmas time… And some let their creative juices flow freely as they put together a music video with the rest of the family.

The Laceys definitely know how to do Christmas!
Their idea of a fun holiday tradition involves dancing together, showing off their mannequin challenge skills, and sporting matching onesies. We just love how colorful and full of life this is!

From kids suddenly sitting up in bed and trying to sing along to a classic Christmas carol to adults showing off their moves to a hip-hop beat, this production definitely has it all.

Their presentation brings such a light vibe that you can’t help but wish you were right there with them, celebrating, dancing, and goofing off. It was clearly a product of ideas thrown in by each member of the family. It didn’t look practiced, it didn’t try hard to be perfect – it was just delightful and festive.

With over 140K views on YouTube, viewers were clearly entertained by the family’s antics. In fact, some of them couldn’t help but wonder how the Laceys pulled off some parts, especially the ones involving food seemingly frozen in mid-air. A member of the family was kind enough to read through the comments and explain how they did the mannequin challenge so well.
“We used white play dough for the milk, and we froze the egg. And if you are wondering about the grape….we tied it to a fishing line.”

Despite the work that went into creating this video, the Laceys were able to highlight the true meaning of Christmas and the importance of being with family.

So the next time you feel that holiday traditions are overrated or that the meaning has gotten lost in translation, don’t just go “Bah-humbug!” and shun the idea of it all. Remember, you can always make new ones! If your idea of the perfect Christmas is as fun as the Laceys’, what are you waiting for? Get your thinking hats on, let those ideas flow, and work together with the rest of the family to make the most wonderful time of the year special and enjoyable for everyone.

Catch the spirit of Christmas by watching this fun family dance by the Laceys!
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