Good parenting leads to many different outcomes, but children usually express their good side when attention is paid to them.
Colt Clark, a full-time musician, suddenly had an empty schedule as a result of the coronavirus pandemic. The quarantine affected everyone in numerous ways, and Colt had nowhere to perform.
What was a man to do?
The patriarch of the Clark family moved all the gigs to his home, and his children became the best addition to his music. Check out this father and three adorable children playing “Jailhouse Rock.” It will definitely boost your mood!
By now, the Clark Family’s quarantine concerts are getting quite famous…
Colt Clark, a father of three, was temporarily left without a job and a lot of free time.
The family was in quarantine and they couldn’t visit any relatives. That’s why Colt and his wife Aubree came up with an interesting idea. Because their children grew up surrounded by music and both sons knew how to play an instrument, they decided to film concerts for their relatives.
Despite the pandemic going on, they’re still so determined to cheer up their family and friends.
However, those close to family who had the honor to be the first ones to see Clark concerts insisted on sharing the videos.
Clark’s family finally began publishing all those performances as public and they soon became viral.
The bubbly family now has 185,000 subscribers, and more than 30,000 fans follow them on Instagram!
Dad had the urge to play, and his children were skilled enough to accompany him.
In the video description, Colt explained that his children loved “Jailhouse Rock” since they were old enough to hold a guitar.
Bellamy, the youngest child, always danced to it, and she began imitating The King before she could even walk. Just look at her fancy footwork! Elvis would be proud.
The father is on the couch, with the guitar on his lap.
His two sons are right beside him one plays the bass, and the other is an excellent drummer. In front of the camera are a cute little girl, sporting adorable pigtails and a T-shirt that has Johnny Cash written on it. These parents deserve huge applause for introducing their children to great music.
Lilly, the lizard, is in the jailhouse.
As if it wasn’t enough that Bellamy is the most charming child ever, she also made up the most creative song introduction.
She holds a plastic box in her hands and looks straight to a camera. An explanation goes on: they picked up a lizard from the yard, named her lizard, and put her in a jailhouse. Therefore, they’ll perform Elvis Presley’s “Jailhouse Rock.” Dad is a phenomenal singer, and his children are wonderful instrumentalists.
The little girl is in the spotlight, and her dancing makes the show epic!
The Clark children feel the music—you can see it right away, and we hope that they’ll continue to pursue that talent. Quarantine children or not, Colt’s kiddos are little musicians, and they perform like professionals.
Ellen DeGeneres featured the family band on her Instagram page.
The Clarks had the opportunity to introduce themselves to a larger audience when Ellen asked them a couple of questions.
Colt revealed that they all played together long before the pandemic started, but they formed the family band in 2020. Bellamy, the youngest, said that her daddy was always teaching her new dances, and showed the hilarious “Rooster Mick Jagger” moves. Keep on rocking, kids, we all enjoy your creativity!
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