Thanks to the internet, millions of people all over the world have been able to enjoy watching flash mobs. For a few special individuals, they’ve seen one or two in real life. The thing that makes these events so fun is they can be about anything and they’re always completely unexpected.
Sometimes, flash mobs are a covert way for a person to propose to their loved one. Other times, they happen in shopping malls during the Christmas holiday to make things more festive. In one case, a girl starts a flash mob that turns into a hillbilly hoedown of sorts.
Country music remains popular
Country style music has been around for a very long time. Although it’s changed dramatically over the years, for a lot of people, it’s still their favorite. Then when you have an artist like Blanco Brown who inspired the “Git Up” challenge, it’s become even more popular. The combination of a flash mob with country music and you end up with epic performance.

Shooting a professional video
The video starts on a busy street. It’s rainy with a little bit of music playing in the background. You see people meandering about with no clue of what’s about the happen. The camera spans the crowd, showing an elderly woman sitting in a chair watching the world go, a young boy playing his guitar, and groups of people just standing around talking.

Everyone’s enjoying their day
I’m not sure where this video was shot, but the location looks quite charming. With curbside cafes and brick streets, it’s captivating. But then, a pretty young gal with a dark-colored bob saunters into the middle of the street. With a sly grin on her face, she’s about to get the party started.

She sings and dances
As soon as the music starts, this woman begins clapping her hands to the beat while belting out the words to “Hillbilly Girl.” She has a gorgeous voice. Come to find out, it’s Lisa McHugh, an up and coming country star who’s shooting the video to promote her song.

Now people are paying attention
While she claps, sings, dances, and twirls, the people on the street stop what they’re doing to watch. Most of them have big grins on their faces but they still don’t know what’s coming. As Lisa continues singing, the crowd starts growing bigger and bigger.

There it is
Within just a few minutes, several other young ladies join Lisa in the street to perform. The number of participants in the flash mob grows even larger. It’s comprised of a few younger girls, as well as adult women. They do lasso moves, kick up their heels, and twirl around in perfect timing to the song’s rhythm.

That’s what you call a country flash mob
With all the fancy footwork to music with an upbeat tempo, everyone was smiling. Even though this video was shot on a rainy day, at the end of the flash mob performance, it was anything but gloomy.

To watch Lisa McHugh and her flash mob gang perform Hillbilly Girl, check out the video below. It’ll put a smile on your face too.
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Source: YouTube