By this point, the Got Talent franchise has spread all across the world.
For most of us, that means America’s Got Talent (or in some cases, Britain’s Got Talent).

Although the show started in America in 2006, it has since grown to be an international franchise and has been crowned the world’s most successful reality TV format by the Guinness Book of World Records. Because there are so many of these shows, however, it’s easy to miss promising or talented acts that appear on shows other than our own.
One perfect example of this came from an episode of Romania’s Got Talent.

The performer in question was only 10 years old and her name was Ema Stoian.
Although anyone in the dance world might have heard of, most of us have not had the pleasure of seeing Stoian’s incredible dancing abilities for ourselves yet. Although there are plenty of great dancers in the world, there’s something particularly impressive about how expressive and controlled Stoian is considering how young she is! When she went on Romania’s Got Talent recently, she decided to dance to “Unstoppable” by Sia.
Needless to say, the performance was pretty impressive.

As the music starts, Stoian comes out on stage and mimes a morning routine.
Immediately, it seems clear that Stoian is taking at least a little bit of inspiration from frequent Sia collaborator—and incredible dancer in her own right—Maddie Ziegler. Before long though, Stoian goes on to make the performance completely her own. Although there’s definitely some more expressive movement, she’s also got some incredible jumps and aerial moves!
Beyond that, Stoian pulls off all kinds of incredible gymnastic moves as well.

Throughout the dance, there are spins, twists, inversions and all kinds of other impressive moves!
Just when the audience thinks it can’t get any more impressive, Stoian does some striking ballet moves and even hits a shocking cartwheel with no hands.

Though there are too many impressive parts to list, one of the best is an incredible front roll to a headstand with the splits to a front flip—all without touching the floor in between! The song choice was perfect here because Stoian truly is unstoppable!
By the end of the dance, the entire crowd is cheering and the judges can’t believe what they’ve seen.

As it turns out, the performance was so impressive that it earned Stoian the Golden Buzzer!

Although much of the world may not have heard of Stoian, the truth is that she’s been performing and posting videos on the internet for quite some time now. If you were impressed by this performance and want to see more of Stoian’s dances, she has plenty more of them posted on her Facebook.
One particularly impressive one is from the 2018 Dance World Cup where Stoian does a jaunty and jazzy dance performance that includes some ballet moves in it as well. Check it out:
Although the moves are controlled and the performance is inspired, Stoian was only nine years old at the time!
As her dance moves show, there are no limits on true talent and passion for what you do. Even though Stoian is still very young, she has clearly dedicated herself to her craft—and it has already taken her a long way.

She’s already guaranteed to compete in the semi-finals of Romania’s Got Talent and is sure to only get better as she gets older. For anyone who was impressed with this, remember her name and be sure to check her Facebook and YouTube for more of her dances.
Congratulations to Ema on an inspiring and awesome performance! Watch the entire thing below:
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