Elvis joins Frank Sinatra onstage and steals spotlight singing his hit
I don't know who's having more fun here, the gals, or the two of them.
Ashleigh Schalkwyk

Who do you think is the best vocalist of all time?

Because the answer is so subjective, it’s impossible to get a definitive answer that everyone will agree on. Of course, it all comes down to personal taste and, probably, which generation you grew up in.

But, no matter who you are, some names will just keep coming up.

Unsplash/Mason B.
Unsplash/Mason B.

Objectively, a singer is judged on whether they have technical singing skills. But having style and a certain charisma can also certainly help when it comes to a singer’s popularity. Of course, we all have our own unique tastes and preferences.

However, there’s no arguing that certain singers are more well-loved – and that their performances make up a lot of all-time favorites across many generations of people.

Unsplash/Han Lahandoe
Unsplash/Han Lahandoe

One of the most well-known performers in American history is undoubtedly Elvis Presley.

Whether you love or hate him, there’s no arguing with the fact that he pioneered a completely new genre of music.

With his roots in blues and folk music, he popularized the new sound that we know as Rock ‘n Roll.


Elvis, who was born in 1935, became so popular that he was catapulted to mega-stardom over the years. Even today, his charisma and sexually charged performances live on in the minds of his followers.

Although Elvis is not a technically excellent singer, his soulful and iconic style elevated him to a cult-like status among his fans.

Another singer we’ll find at the top of a lot of best-loved artist lists is Frank Sinatra.


Born on December 12. 1915, Sinatra goes down in history as being one of the best-selling artists of all time.

Sinatra’s first album in 1946, The Voice of Frank Sinatra, put him on the map. He became known for his blue eyes and his deep voice that made women who heard it swoon. He continues to inspire younger generations of artists to this day.

Sinatra and Elvis had two very different music styles, but what happens when the two mix?


It comes as a surprise to most people that these two giants in music actually performed a duet together!

The year was 1960. Elvis had just finished his duties in the military, and Sinatra was at the peak of his career.


Sinatra still held his place as the “heartthrob” of the generation, but Elvis was about to take his place. So studio executives decided to have the two men perform together.

Sinatra begins to sing in his smooth-as-velvet voice. But when Elvis joins in, the crowd goes wild.


It’s quite strange to see these two very different singers on stage together, but it’s a match made in heaven.

Elvis’ sultry vocals compliment Sinatra’s warbling voice perfectly. It’s also clear that this is a historical moment in music history.


The clip, which was uploaded onto Youtube, has been watched more than 6 million times. people just can’t get enough of watching these two icons share the stage.

To see their performance for yourself, watch the video below. The way their voices come together in perfect harmony at the end is sure to remind you of a bygone era!

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