One of the most exciting or appealing things about reality competition shows is how unusual they can be.
Although shows like American Idol are relatively straightforward in terms of what happens, other shows that are open to multiple talents often showcase things we would never think of.

On some shows, old art forms like shadow plays and miming performances have made their way back into the mainstream—all because of these shows! When it comes to singing, it may feel like we’ve seen almost everything there is to do.
But as this performance shows, that’s not necessarily true.

The audition we’re talking about came from the 2019 season of Australia’s Got Talent.
For those who haven’t seen the show before, it works by having contestants come out before a a panel of judges to perform.

If the judges like what they see, they can vote contestants forward or give them a Golden Buzzer to protect them and send them right to the final rounds. On the other hand, if they hit their “x” buzzers, it means it’s a no.
In the case of this performance, it all started with a strongman rolling out a huge stone boulder onstage.

From the start, he rolls out a huge boulder that weighed 150 kgs—which is 330 pounds!
Although the judges are shocked, he impresses them even more by rolling out another stone that weighs 165 kgs, or 363 pounds! Still, everyone is a little confused as he brings out a big plank to set on the boulders—is that the whole act?

After he puts the plank down to make a bench, he sits right in the middle of it. A moment later, some background music starts playing. The song is “Ordinary People” by John Legend, and a moment later, he starts singing it beautifully.
At this, the judges lose their minds!

Although what he did with the boulders was incredibly impressive, nobody expected him to have the voice of an angel on top of it all!
As he keeps singing, his voice is still strong as ever and all the judges are on the edge of their seats and smiling.

Although the voice and the lead was impressive, there’s a special something about having such a big, tough-seeming person sing such a gentle and sweet song. Before the song is over, the whole audience has their arms in their air, swaying along.
When it’s finally over, everyone gets on their feet to give him a standing ovation!

After it’s all over, he even dedicates the song to his wife—and introduces himself as Eddie Williams, two-time winner of Australia’s strongest man.
Although the audition was impressive just from a physical perspective, the singing was definitely a confusing but awesome addition. As one of the judges says herself, he may be the strongest guy, but Williams is also the sweetest guy!

Needless to say, nobody expected what Williams did up there. Overall, everyone was completely blown away by it—and Williams got his inevitable four yeses! As one of the other judges says, Williams is a great example of what a man can be: both strong and sensitive. And it definitely connected with the crowd.
Congratulations to Eddie Williams on his awesome and unique performance! Be sure to watch the whole thing in the link below:
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