Who doesn’t love to dance?
Dancing is one of those activities that frees your soul and uplifts any situation. While some people (like me) have two left feet, others are such skilled dancers they make a career out of it.

This dancing couple owns the stage with a complex salsa routine that has the crowd going wild!
The dancers are Salvatore Sinardi and Viktoria Kharchenko, and they stunned the crowd at the Dutch Open Championship in Assen, Netherlands.

Seven teams were competing in the contest from four different countries, and Sinardi and Kharchenko represented Italy.

At the beginning of the video, the camera focuses in on the couple as all seven teams begin doing their fabulous Latin routines.
Kharchenko immediately starts shaking her hips vigorously while Sinardi nonchalantly walks up and suddenly starts going full speed as well.
At times, the two dancers have to maneuver their way around the other teams on the crowded floor.

The talented dancers all share a relatively small dance floor, forcing them to improvise when they get in each other’s way.
At one point, they collide with another team and have to get back on track! Sinadri and Kharchenko spin, snap and throw their bodies’ around beautifully, only getting better as the contest progresses.

There are judges standing around the edges of the dance floor, judging each team and taking notes on their clipboards.
It seems like every time Sinadri spins Kharchenko they get faster and faster! Their ability to mimic one another is remarkable—they’re like a well-oiled machine!

About 1:00 into the video, Sinadri and Kharchenko do a mesmerizing move that stuns the judge standing in front of them.
Standing directly behind his partner, Sinardi holds her as they roll their bodies backward and showcase their flexibility. The video is barely under two minutes long, but the performance is jam-packed with extraordinary moves that only the best dancers can pull off.

Sinadri and Kharchenko aren’t just brilliant dancers—they’re also very aware of their surroundings and really know how to get the crowd going.
In the last part of their routine, the two dancers make their way toward the audience and give them a front-row view.

People scream as the skilled dancers’ salsa their way to the corner of the dance floor, bringing themselves as close to the cheering fans as they can get before the show ends.

Out of the seven teams, Sinadri and Kharchenko received third place in a contest that must have been extremely hard to judge.
It really could have gone either way, but the two teams from Slovenia took first and second place.

Sinadri and Kharchenko may not have won the competition, but judging by how many people have watched the video we’d say it was a successful performance!
Their dancing has been viewed over 7.7 million times on YouTube, with 35,000 liking the video as well.

It’s easy to see why so many people were entranced by their spectacular salsa dancing.
Hundreds of YouTube users also left comments for the fierce dance team. Some people were disappointed that they got into the other dancers’ way, but it didn’t seem intentional to me and everyone was doing it.
Sinadri and Kharchenko are in a league of their own when it comes to Latin dance—and their energy takes over the room, which probably explains some of the YouTube haters.

To see their powerful dance routine for yourself, just watch the video in the link below!
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