For those of you old enough to remember the Swing dance, the very term probably brings up some wonderful and spicy memories. During the 1920s and into the 30s, Big Bands were all the rage. The dance that went along with the music was called Swing. It’s high-energy, fast-paced, and beyond fun.
Since first being introduced in the US, the Swing has evolved somewhat. Today, it includes several different types of partner dances. Regardless, they’re all fiery. Unfortunately, this isn’t a dance you see very often. While there are some clubs that focus on the Swing for people to enjoy, usually, you see couples kicking out the moves as part of dance competitions.
Showing off their skills
For an audience attending a competition called “Rock that Swing,” they were in for a real treat. This event, which took place in 2016, focused on dance styles from the 1920s through the 1950s. That meant Swing was part of the show. Among the many contestants, two people named Chandrae and Stephen stood out for all the right reasons.

The energy in the room was electrifying
Especially if you’ve ever danced the Swing, you know there’s something extraordinary about this style. Chandrae and Stephen take their place on stage as the crowd waits in anticipation. They quickly made their way to the center of the stage, ready to give the performance all they have.

This pair didn’t waste a second before getting into the action
Immediately, the couple started in with popular Swing dance moves. Not only was their footwork and hand gestures on point, but they continued smiling throughout the two and a half minutes they performed. You could tell they were having a blast.

Stepping to the beat
Every move was in perfect timing to the beat of the music. Their song of choice? The Nitty Gritty, which was sung by Shirley Ellis in the 1960s. Although this Big Band song was recorded in 1963, it was an excellent choice for their performance. Back then, The Nitty Gritty reached number eight on the Billboard Hot 100 Hits list. Not bad considering all the intense competition at that time.

So fun to watch
This duo was so good that people in the audience began snapping their fingers and clapping their hands. Everyone sitting in the audience was getting into the action. I’m sure for some of them, it felt like stepping back in time. Chandrae and Stephen nailed every move.

They had their entire bodies going
With their arms flailing, their feet stomping, and their heads bobbing, this was a fantastic performance reminiscent of the 1920s. The synchronization of their moves was outstanding. Keeping the dance spicy, Chandrae flipped her flowing dress up a few times. As you can imagine, the crowd went wild.

Getting down and dirty
Toward the end of their performance, the two do some sultry moves. Stephens flips and dips Chandrae with such ease that he makes it look easy. But as stated, the Swing is a high-energy dance so it takes some degree of athleticism.

If you love to dance or you’re looking for a good workout routine, get inspired by watching the video below. After seeing it, you’ll fall in love with the fiery Swing.
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Source: YouTube