Drive-thru guy has reputation for having the ‘best voice ever’
Josh doesn't just take orders; he entertains.
Michael Dabu

Josh Lewis, a dedicated employee at a Wendy’s drive-thru in Florida, has garnered a reputation for his remarkable voice.

Customers often describe his voice as having a “movie trailer” quality, proof of its depth and resonance.

This unique talent sets him apart in an industry where interactions are typically brief and functional.

Josh’s voice isn’t just an asset; it’s a tool he uses to transform ordinary customer service into an extraordinary experience.

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Josh doesn’t just take orders; he entertains.

Every time a customer pulls up to place their order, they are treated to his distinctive voice, turning a routine drive-thru visit into something memorable.

This approach not only delights customers but also injects a sense of fun into their daily tasks.

By using his voice in this way, Josh makes the experience enjoyable for both himself and those he serves, creating a small but impactful moment of joy in their day.

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YouTube - Inside Edition

Initially, Josh felt trapped in the fast food industry.

Like many, he struggled with the notion that his job offered little in terms of career advancement or financial improvement.

This feeling of being stuck is common among fast food workers, who often see their roles as temporary stops rather than long-term careers.

For Josh, the monotony of the job and lack of prospects were significant challenges.

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Determined to change his situation, Josh decided to leverage his voice talent to bring a new dimension to his role.

He transformed from a standard drive-thru operator into an entertainer.

This shift in perspective not only made his job more enjoyable but also allowed him to connect with customers in a unique way.

By embracing his talent, Josh redefined his role and found a new sense of purpose in his work.

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Josh’s ultimate goal is to build a career using his voice.

He dreams of moving beyond the fast food industry and finding opportunities that allow him to fully utilize his vocal abilities.

Whether it’s in voice-over work, broadcasting, or another field where his talent can shine, Josh is committed to pursuing his passion.

His current job at Wendy’s is just a stepping stone toward his broader ambitions.

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Interestingly, Josh’s approach, while unconventional, has received support from his district manager.

Despite not being part of Wendy’s corporate protocol, his manager recognizes the value in Josh’s unique style of customer interaction.

This support has been crucial in allowing Josh to continue entertaining customers and honing his craft.

It also highlights the importance of recognizing and nurturing individual talents within a corporate structure.

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YouTube - Inside Edition

The impact of Josh’s voice extends beyond the drive-thru window.

A video showcasing his entertaining interactions with customers has gone viral, amassing 17.6 million views.

This viral success underscores the appeal of his approach and the widespread appreciation for his talent.

It also serves as a reminder of how individual creativity and personality can resonate with a broad audience, even in unexpected settings.

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YouTube - Inside Edition

The viral video has not only brought Josh widespread recognition but also opened up new possibilities for his future.

As more people become aware of his talent, the potential for career opportunities in the voice industry increases.

This exposure could be the key to unlocking the next stage of his career, helping him transition from a fast food worker to a professional voice artist.

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YouTube - Inside Edition

Josh Lewis’s story is an inspiring example of how one can turn a seemingly mundane job into a platform for personal expression and growth.

By embracing his unique talent and using it to enhance his role, he has created a more enjoyable experience for customers and found new motivation in his work.

As he continues to pursue his dreams, Josh serves as a reminder that with creativity and determination, it’s possible to find joy and opportunity in any job.

Watch the full video below – beautiful!

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