Unfortunately, double standards exist. Despite society gradually becoming more aware of how double standards should not be the “norm” and are unfair and biased, there will always be people too stubborn to consider double standards even exist.
At the same time, some people are just not aware of double standards. Despite possibly experiencing this on a daily basis, they genuinely are unaware they are participating in this social construct.
So, to help enlighten those unaware of how double standards work or what they are, we have compiled several different artist’s rendering of what double standards mean to them. Check out the options below.
1. Boys can hang out with girls but girls can’t hang out with boys.

2. Sometimes, curvy girls don’t have it better.

3. Girls aren’t allowed to deny anyone, they can only be denied.

4. Only women experience the “walk of shame”.

5. This is why women should wear make up for themselves.

6. Day 20: This mustache still legitimizes my opinions as a colleague.

7. And they wonder why there aren’t many female STEM majors.

8. Note how their food proportions are the same.

9. All feelings are valid, regardless of gender.

10. Why do single dads get all the credit?

11. Sure, only women have to conform to unrealistic body proportions.

12. Women aren’t allowed to like anything targeted towards men, apparently.

13. “Know the work rules.”

14. If boys and girls do the same thing, it’s perceived differently.

15. You can never catch a break.

At the end of the day, regardless of these lovely, individual art styles, I think these pictures share an important lesson. Let’s all be kinder to one another and not jump to conclusions.
Remember what they say about assuming… no one looks good in the end.
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