One of the best things about The Voice is that every episode comes with its fair share of surprises.
Though the show has been on for years and years, the structure of the show allows for there to constantly be new innovations.

In every show, there are a host of different contestants who have all different singing styles—and they have to do a blind audition for the judges. The judges then fight over them to see who will end up on whose team, with the added twist that they can steal and block each other as well.
On the other hand, sometimes the strength of the contestant is the ultimate star of the show.

That was definitely the case for one special performance.
Like any other audition, this one began with all the judges’ backs turned to the contestant with the lights down low. After a few moments, a soulful, raspy voice began to sound out over some acoustic guitar.

After listening for a second, it’s clear that the performer is covering “River” by Leon Bridges, an incredible R&B song with a stirring vocal performance all on its own. After just a few seconds, the singer’s voice is powerful enough for judge Adam Levine to hit his buzzer.
And the added twist is that he knows he has to block out John Legend immediately!

Moments later, judge John Legend hits his buzzer as well… and doesn’t even realize he’s been blocked at first.
Instead, he’s simply dancing in his chair to the singer. As the performance goes on, the singing only gets sweeter, stronger, more creative and more powerful. Levine is closing his eyes as he gets into it and everyone in the crowd is on the edge of their seats. Though he already has two judges on his side, judge Blake Shelton hits his buzzer as well at the last second.
When it’s finally done, Legend says that he hates Levine!

Even though Legend can’t have him on his team, he still wants to be the first one to talk.
The singer introduces himself as Domenic Haynes, only 18 years old and from Tampa, Florida. After that, Legend explains to him that he’s his favorite singer that he’s seen on the show so far.

Next, Levine gets to explain that it hurt him to have to block Legend… to which Legend replies: “It didn’t hurt you enough!” Needless to say, all of the judges can’t help but to admire how incredible he is. Even Shelton wants a piece of Haynes’ talent!
After everything, the judges all make their pitches and it’s up to Haynes to decide.

Finally, with the crowd cheering behind him, Haynes thinks it over and is ready to make a decision.
Though it’s a tough decision, he finally decides that he’s going to stick with Levine! Although the dynamics of this show are interesting enough to watch in themselves, sometimes the raw talent of a certain performer is something else altogether.

In the case of Haynes, his soulfulness and power that came through his entire body won over both the audience and all of the judges. It’s moments like these that keep this show so relevant!
Congratulations to Domenic Haynes on his amazing audition! Watch the full clip below:
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