At this shopping center, it’s just another day. Nothing special happening other than maybe some great sales on a new outfit. But little does the crowd know, that there is a show coming, and they are in for a surprise treat to spice up their afternoon.
As a beautiful woman in a red dress makes her way up the escalator, the iconic song ‘(I’ve Had) Time of My Life’ by Bill Medley starts to play. You may recognize the song from the popular 80’s movie Dirty Dancing. As she reaches the top, we see that she is meeting her dance partner in the center of the crowded mall.

A crowd begins to form as passersby realize they are in for a little entertainment. People stop and pull out their phones, or stop and watch until their kids begin to distract them.

The camera pans to the crowd as the couple reenacts the final scene from Dirty Dancing. People are smiling and loving the show. Their moves are flawless as they move through the center of the mall. Though they differ from the original moves only slightly, there’s clearly some Spanish influence and any fan of dance can tell that there’s a little bit of salsa thrown into the classic routine. Not to mention their outfits: a fiery red dress for her and a classic all-black look for her partner.

The couple spins and twirls on making the whole dance look effortless, with lifts and complicated footwork. Then they, of course, can’t forget the biggest moment, the most famous move of all. Just like in the movie, the woman runs to the man and in one fluid motion, he lifts her over his head gracefully. And the crowd cheers loudly as she’s lowered down and the couple continues on like it was nothing.

One of the best moments of the whole video comes at the end, the man lets go of his dance partner and we think the dance is over though the music continues to play. Then he grabs a woman out of the crowd, clearly surprised and unprepared and spins her around and dances with her like she was his original partner. Her arms are still full but she’s still loving every moment of it.

We assume his partner disappeared, but as soon as the camera pans away, we see the woman has also grabbed a member of the crowd to dance with. Her and another gentleman spin and move to the last few bars of the song, both with a huge smile on their faces. With moves like these, it’s no wonder that the video gained over 4 million views.
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