Sometimes it’s good to stop and take in your surroundings when arriving at a new place. People are so often in a hurry that they miss out on the simple joys of life. Airports, train stations, terminals, and the like are often places where people walk as fast as possible. As if time would wait for them.
To be honest, there are wonderful surprises waiting at every corner, if only people open their eyes. Most times, talented individuals decide to stop people in their tracks while giving them a few minutes of delightful entertainment.

Diane Lambiet is one such talent.
She’s eight years old but the music flowing from her fingers are from an era long gone. Well at least one of them. Diane enjoys sitting and playing on public pianos wherever she finds them. And she’s good!
This is at the London station and in typical little girl fashion, she stops commuters in their tracks making them wonder how this girl in her pink jacket and sneakers can make such wonderful music.

Beethoven’s “Für Elise”.
It has to be one of the most famous piano pieces with its charming melody and relaxed nature. It’s actually one of the first songs aspiring pianists learn to play. But Diane is no beginner. Look how she handles that old piano. Bravo!

Für Elise starts with a simple six note phrase, before elegantly playing around with its notes and tempo. Beethoven’s music lends itself well to the ears that even kids will appreciate his work.
German musician and academic Johannes Quack points out that the song’s opening spells out the name “Elise”. The note E-flat is read as Es in German, and actually pronounced “S”. So yes, E-(L)-(I)-S-E.

The Piano Maan.
She’s doing it in the style of Maan Hamadeh. He is a Lebanese pianist and composer, famous for taking the “Für Elise” and mixing it up with other western songs. It’s his own personal fusion without messing with the original piece.

Diane plays around with Beethoven’s piece before finishing the song. Her second song is Celine Dion’s “My heart will go on“. Perhaps it is fitting seeing as they’re at a station. But please, no sinking ships.

Play it, Diane!
She may be small and that piano old, but her music carries across the station even ignoring that security announcement. Diane has a small crowd of onlookers but most people just walk on by.
“I feel sorry for the people that just walk by thinking they are too busy to take a min and enjoy a moment like this.”
Says a viewer.

No matter. Her family is there to cheer her on and she’s got admirers listening with great pleasure.

The notes are in her head.
She’s either got them memorized or the music just flows naturally from her. Either way, consider her crowd mesmerized at the stunning display of talent they’ve just come across.
Diane has 39.2k subscribers. Her videos show her playing anywhere and everywhere. If there’s a piano, she’s on it. Diane has amazing talent. Her gift with the piano is mind blowing and to think she’s only 13 to date! Watch out for her. She may be playing at a public place near you.

Listen to Diane’s magnificent playing in the video below!
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