What lengths won’t a father go to for his daughter?
Daughters have a knack for charming their fathers, and this story is no exception.
Meet Mike Hanley, a comedian who decided to pull off an unforgettable prank at his daughter’s Bat Mitzvah.
And the best part? His daughter was in on it too.
The memorable event took place on the dance floor.

The Bat Mitzvah, a significant milestone in a Jewish girl’s life, was being celebrated by 13-year-old Jessica with her family and friends.
As the crowd looked on, Mike took Jessica’s hand and began to dance.
The sweet strains of “My Girl” filled the room, eliciting a collective “awww” from the spectators, who were touched by the tender moment unfolding before them.

However, unbeknownst to the guests, Mike and Jessica had a surprise in store.
The music abruptly switched to Whitney Houston’s hit, “I Wanna Dance With Somebody!”
Jessica sprang back, acting out the lyrics, while Mike humorously shook his head, acting too shy to dance.
This was just the opening act of what was to become an epic father-daughter routine.

Every few moments, the song would change, and the dynamic duo had choreographed a routine for each one.
They swayed to “Mambo No. 5,” soared like Superman during the hip-hop track “Crank That,” and even incorporated The Jackson 5.
And of course, there was a dash of “Grease Lightning” too.

Mike, a professional comedian, infused the performance with his signature humor.
His attempts (and comical failures) to keep up with the music and dance moves had the audience in stitches.
His website describes him as a comedian whose high-energy performances and relatable stories about marriage, kids, and daily life keep audiences on the edge of their seats.

What a good dad.
The fact that Mike took time out of his busy schedule to learn this dance routine with his daughter shows how much he loves her.
It’s clear that Jessica is his number one priority.

But the surprises didn’t end there.
The father-daughter duo continued their performance, shuffling to “Thriller,” flipping their hands to the “Macarena,” and covering just about every danceable song.
They even performed “Kung Fu Fighting,” vogued to Madonna, and “Partied in the U.S.A.” with Miley Cyrus.
Watching their energetic performance is an exhilarating experience in itself.

Eventually, their routine came full circle, ending with “My Girl,” the song they started with.
The heartwarming moment that had morphed into a comedy was back to its sweet beginnings.
Their performance, considered by many to be the “best” father-daughter dance, entertained their guests and has been viewed over 24 million times, making it one of the most famous daddy-daughter dances.

Mike and Jessica didn’t just create a memorable performance; they also spent priceless time together practicing for it.
For all the hours he spent preparing this, Mike certainly deserves the Dad Trophy of the Year!
Watch their incredible father-daughter dance in the video below!
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