One of the best parts about a talent show is that you have no clue what type of performance will pop up next.
Some acts are predictable, some creative, and others… creatively hilarious!
If you’re lucky, it might be so good that it goes viral.
A hilarious video that’s floating around the internet was taken at what appears to be a school event.
It starts out with a long row of empty chairs.

Let’s meet the grannies!
Surely some crowd members were surprised as a group of “grandmas” began shuffling onto the stage to perform.
At first, it’s very unclear what exactly the sweet-looking “seniors” are going to be up to.
The majority of them need assistance from either a wheelchair, walker, or cane – and everyone is decked out in their stereotypical granny gear.

Don’t let them fool you!
Bringing humor to a variety show is a good way to win over an audience. Win the audience, and YOU win.
So, these performers might not exactly be everything they’re portraying – but it’s what adds to the comedy!
Even the man on the left seems to be pulling everyone’s leg that he’s actually a weak grandpa.

Their performance is far from a snoozefest.
Flo Rida’s song “Low” comes on and a couple of the ladies rise to their feet to dance.
They move slowly at first like they’ve got achy backs. But as soon as the rapper starts singing the lyrics – the grannies start shaking their rumps!

Apparently, these grandmas have been keeping up with the latest trends.
People in the crowd burst out laughing watching the two dance like they’re a pair of hip teenagers.
Let’s face it, portraying the reality of aging with a bit of humor never gets… old.
Hilariously, when the lady in brown tries to go down “low,” she needs some help getting back up!

Time to see who else can bust a move.
A different pair of women rise and take over the spotlight. Let’s go, grannies!
The music also changes to the ever-so-popular track “Watch Me Whip/Nae Nae” by Silentó.
Although it appears that they could use a nap (going from their nightgowns) these grannies instead show off their awesome skills.

Go, granny. Go, granny!
Music and dance styles change through the decades, so it’s not surprising if you or your grandparents aren’t “up to date” on it all.
And even if the mind is willing, sometimes those muscles and joints aren’t.
Turns out though, these seniors know their stuff!
One of the ladies gets so into Rihanna’s song “Work” that she raises her walker to the roof.

One funny highlight of the performance is when the two grandparents at the end take a turn.
With Sugarhill Gang’s “Apache (Jump On It)” in the background, they make an attempt to follow the iconic moves.
What adds to the humor is they look creaky and sore while doing so.

Dancing is a fun physical activity that can help improve one’s health both inside and out.
According to the Better Health Channel, it has lots of benefits from helping with weight management and boosting confidence, to improving strength, balance, and flexibility.
No wonder people of all ages love to dance!

Even the woman in the wheelchair gets a chance to sparkle during the performance.
She and her partner show everyone that you’re never “too old” to shake things up on the dance floor!
Sure, it may be a skit, but that’s definitely the truth.
It’s a laugh-out-loud performance that not only seemed to win over the audience, but it’s been watched over 2.5 million times online as well.

If you come across some real elderly folks that still love to dance, be sure to show them some love!
Check out the video below to see this hilarious performance for yourself.
Please SHARE this with your friends and family.