Dancers steal spotlight with amazing ‘kaleidoscope’ drill routine to ‘Bohemian Rhapsody’
They made this already amazing song even more incredible.
Jake Manning

Picture this: a group of young, talented ladies taking center stage at the 2018 Australian DrillDance Championships.

They’re not just any group; they’re the Black Diamonds, and they’re about to perform a DrillDance routine to Queen’s iconic “Bohemian Rhapsody.”

Decked out in half-colored print and half-black costumes, each dancer holds a pair of giant feather-like props. The stage is set for something extraordinary.


Now, you might be wondering, what exactly is DrillDance? Unlike cheer dance, which involves actual cheering and acrobatic stunts, DrillDance is all about performing a routine in perfect unison to a chosen song or theme.

According to DrillDance Australia, it offers “opportunities for physical activity, improved posture, coordination and teamwork.”

YouTube/Deluxe Video
YouTube/Deluxe Video

In the case of the Black Diamonds, they’re performing a Prop DrillDance.

This form of DrillDance emphasizes “the skillful use of props and precision in movement, performed to music of the team’s choice.”

And let me tell you, these ladies are about to dazzle you.

YouTube/Deluxe Video
YouTube/Deluxe Video

As the first notes of “Bohemian Rhapsody” fill the air, the Black Diamonds launch into their routine with jaw-dropping precision.

They’re not just here to compete; they’re here to show the world they deserve the spotlight.

Their props add a mesmerizing visual element, making each move pop.

YouTube/Deluxe Video
YouTube/Deluxe Video

The dancers are incredibly light on their feet, transitioning gracefully from one sequence to another.

With each swing of their props, they create a variety of shapes and wave-like motions.

It’s a visual feast that complements the iconic rock song perfectly.

YouTube/Deluxe Video
YouTube/Deluxe Video

Their coordination is nothing short of amazing.

The timing and synchronization are impeccable, especially considering the song’s frequent tempo changes.

“Is this the real life? Is this just fantasy?” you might find yourself wondering, captivated by their performance.

YouTube/Deluxe Video
YouTube/Deluxe Video

Achieving this level of perfection isn’t easy.

It takes countless hours of rehearsal, immense dedication, and a deep love for DrillDance.

But when you watch them, all you see is the effortless beauty of their movements and the seamless integration of their props.

YouTube/Deluxe Video
YouTube/Deluxe Video

Speaking of props, they’re not just an add-on; they’re an integral part of the performance.

They transform into various images, from giant baseball gloves to peacock trains and even sea waves.

It’s a visual spectacle that does justice to the legendary rock band’s iconic song.

As they conclude their routine to the tune of another Queen classic, “Another One Bites The Dust,” you can’t help but wonder: Do they deserve to be the grand champions?

YouTube/Deluxe Video
YouTube/Deluxe Video

One thing’s for sure, these young ladies have confidence, posture, and a knack for staying in sync, even during the wildest parts of the song.

This performance is so much fun to watch, and it’s clear that these young ladies have put in hours upon hours of practice. What a great team.

Check out their full performance in the video below!

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