What Angelica Bongiovonni with dance and wheels is incredible. The up and coming dancer and trapeze artist is starting to gain attention on her acrobatic style of dance. What wows audiences the most is her work with whats called a Cyr wheel, which to most of us looks like a hula hoop but becomes so much more during a performance.

What begins as a beautiful interpretive dance, slowly grows into more. At first the she seems lost of confused, being left by a man that walks off the stage before we even really see who he is, but then she moves around the stage and her moves begin to take shape.

Just when we start to believe that this is only going to be a solo performance, the Cyr wheel greets her on stage as the lyrics to the song start to play.

The most interesting thing about this performance is that Angelica isn’t dancing with the wheel like it’s a prop, she dances with it as though it’s her partner. This isn’t something that comes easy, and takes more than just skills in dancing. The way that she acts and reacts with it, is what makes the audience believe that the wheel is more than just a wheel, and keeps the audience wanting more.

As the wheel circles around her she continues to move to the rhythm of the song like it’s any other dance performance. Though her moves around the wheel are impressive, when she grabs onto it, the dance begins to change.

Angelica rolls the wheel through her arms, around her neck, and across the floor before she stands in the middle and performs a spin just as fast as the wheel is spinning- making it look like the two are connected.

Then she debuts her one of her coolest feats, spinning completely inside the hoop. Holding onto the outer edges, she spins and glides across the floor without her feet ever touching the ground- suspended only her arms holding onto the rim. Angelica makes the move look easy as everyone wonders how she isn’t rolling over any of her fingers.

As the song goes on her routine gets more and more advanced as she spends more time in the middle of the circle, than dancing on the floor around it. The wheel spins faster, she’s upside down at one point and the audience is captivated. Angelica’s routine slowly ends by the hoop circling the stage, and then circles her as the song draws to a close.
Mastering a dance like this is no easy task, and that’s clear just based on how muscular Angelica’s arms are for a dancer. When we picture a dancer, we think paper thin and small, but to be able to hold yourself up and spin inside a prop like this takes a lot of muscle. Theres also the timing, balance, and precision that comes with every practice until the routine is flawless- like this one. And of course, the avoiding of crunching your fingers.

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