Contemporary dance troupe does awesome twist routine in nostalgic style
This is like traveling back in time!
Safet Satara

Even if you didn’t live through the years yourself, seeing just how much fun music and dancing was is enough to make anyone nostalgic for the 1960s!

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In this video, some young people went out to enjoy the twist together, and it looks like it makes them feel amazing.

What else is there to say: Let’s twist again!

The song they danced to was by Chubby Checker, who is known for popularizing many dance styles.

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Born Ernest Evans, Chubby Checker is an American rock ‘n roll singer and dancer.

Chubby’s 1960 hit cover of Hank Ballard and The Midnighters’ R&B song “The Twist” made the twist dance widely popular. He also popularized the limbo dance and the fly.

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In 2008, Chubby Checker’s “The Twist” was named the biggest chart hit of all time by Billboard magazine.

In addition, Checker recorded variations on the theme, such as “Let’s Twist Again” song, just to keep the craze alive.

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It’s funny how “Let’s Twist Again” was and has remained more popular than “The Twist” itself in the United Kingdom.

“Let’s Twist Again” is the version you’re hearing in this overly exciting black and white video of phenomenal quality.

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As it turns out, the video is not actually from the ’60s era—it is just impeccably done in the same style.

The scenery, the outfits, their hair, the mood—everything reminds of those years. If you show the video to your grandparents, they’ll probably have a little moment of happy time travel.

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Jitterbug was the term that became popular in the 1940s to describe fast tempo dancing to swing and jazz.

That’s how the LA Jitterbug Academy, the group behind this performance, got its name!

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The group already has thousands of followers, and the academy promotes a really nice message: dancing, music, and friends!

Could it be any more appealing? Do you see the couple dancing in the center of the stage? It’s the duo who kicks and twirls and does all sorts of amazing moves.

The couple are instructors at L.A. Jitterbug, namely Stephen Sayer and Chandrae Roettig Gomez.

Being members of the California Jubilee performance teams, both dancers want to preserve the great American partner jazz dances of the 1920s to the 1950s.

What a nice way to honor favorite dances from decades ago!

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The effort they’ve put into achieving the maximum possible resemblance to the original atmosphere is obvious.

Everything is on point, and we loved seeing all those people having so much fun doing the twist.

You can almost feel their joy, and it makes you want to jump up and start twisting around your room.

We also have to mention Chubby’s perfect voice, which brings back a lot of memories.

At the beginning of the video, he greets everyone by saying: “Come on everybody, clap your hands. Oh, you’re looking good. Come on, let’s twist again!” That’s exactly what everyone does, and there are plenty of smiles in the room.

The video has earned 21 million YouTube likes since the video was uploaded in 2013.

Let’s just say that millions of people recognized the excellent way to put on a show and had fun while watching this.

We were mesmerized by all dancers—they all had moves and weren’t afraid to show it. They definitely achieved their goal: they made us fall in love with the twist all over again. Who wouldn’t? We bet that there are people who sought some dance lessons after watching the video.

Check out the full performance in the link below:

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