We all had a favorite teacher in high school.
Every school has certain staff members that are known as the “cool” teachers, and when you leave it up to them, something awesome usually occurs. That’s exactly what happened at this high school in El Paso, Texas when the teachers had a dance-off and one special teacher stole the show.
This is hilarious and impressive at the same time!
Andress High School in El Paso, Texas, had quite the dance-off back, with moves from one teacher in particular that made the showdown go viral.

It’s not easy to get up in front of a crowd and dance, especially when you’re not a professional and the audience judging you is high school students you’re paid to teach.
Even so, these teachers rose to the challenge and put on a show their teenage students will never forget.

What started as a group performance quickly turned into teachers showing off their own solo moves.
It started when the dance craze called the TZ Anthem Challenge was sweeping across the internet, which is exactly what inspired these teachers to take to the gym during a pep-rally and cut a rug to “Juju on that Beat” by Zay Hilfigerrr and Zayion McCall. Shortly after the dancing starts, one teacher breaks-out a move from the Charleston Dance known as the “Bees Knees.”

That’s when the teacher on the right steals the spotlight, shaking her shoulders to the beat before she does some arm movements and hand gestures you often see the younger generation doing.

When the camera zooms in on the teacher dancing, she proceeds to flawlessly do every move from the popular dance challenge.
The students go wild as the teacher in the green jacket begins nailing the dance with perfection, but there’s a reason she stands out from the rest of the teachers…

Turns out this is the school’s dance teacher, which explains why her dancing is a cut above the rest.
In a way, being the dance teacher would put even more pressure on you, because this is supposed to be your area of expertise and if you mess up the whole school is watching. Despite the pressure, she’s unrelenting with her outstanding skills and shows us exactly how it should be done.

Still these, aren’t the only teachers who’ve gone viral for doing the TZ Anthem Challenge.
We’ve all seen the way dance challenges spread across the internet, and the TZ Anthem Challenge was no different. In another video, one teacher gets over five million views after being tricked into dancing to “Juju on that Beat” by his wife.
Another teacher did the TZ Anthem Challenge with her whole class, posting it to Facebook and even getting a repost onto Ellen DeGeneres’s website, ellenNation.

While all of these teachers did a wonderful job, no one quite had the skill to match the dance teacher from Andress High School.

The video of the teachers from Andress High dancing to “Juju on that Beat” has been viewed over 1.1 million times.

Hundreds of people also left comments for the dancing educators, many in awe with the talent exuding from the dance instructor.
Teachers have such a massive impact on the youth they encounter, seeing them connect with their students like this is so inspiring.

To see this teacher own the dance floor during this pep-rally/dance-off, just watch the video below!
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