If you’ve watched much reality television over the years, chances are you’re familiar with The X Factor.
For those who don’t know, The X Factor is a television show that started in 2004 as a kind of anything goes reality show. Like American Idol, it was started by Simon Cowell’s company and has since spread around the world into an international franchise.

Although it had a relatively short run in the United States, it has seen all kinds of success around the world. The show accepts all kinds of different performers but above all, it looks for that special star quality (hence the name).
Still, this performance was particularly special.

The performance came from the 2018 season of The X Factor UK.
Like any other audition, it began with the performer walking out onstage to applause. The singer’s name was Dalton Harris, and he tells the judges and the crowd that he flew in from Jamaica just to perform on the show.

At these words, everyone gives him a huge cheer! After that, the judges try to ask him who he’s inspired by musically. Still, he can’t think of any artists.
A moment after, judge Simon Cowell tells him to relax if he’s nervous because he should try to enjoy the whole experience.

After calming down a bit, he explains that he and his family came from very humble beginnings.
His family was poor and rarely had electricity or running water growing up. As he explains, he also says that his appearing on the show may be the biggest break that he’s ever gotten in his life.

Finally, he tells the judges he’s going to be singing “Sorry Seems To Be the Hardest Word,” originally by Ray Charles.
At this, all the judges are surprised—but everyone is excited to see what he comes up with.

After that, everyone clears the way for Dalton to perform.
As the background music starts playing, Dalton’s voice harmonizes with the song to catch the melody. From the very beginning, it’s clear that he has a special voice, one that’s particularly soulful.

Although it’s not easy to sing any Ray Charles song, Dalton demonstrates that his voice has incredible range—in one moment, he goes from low notes all the way to some piercing highs!
Halfway through the song, he even covers his own face as if he’s about to cry from the emotion of the song.

Towards the very end, he sings a high sustaining note that even changes pitch and gets higher halfway through!
When it’s finally over, the crowd gives him a huge standing ovation… and at that point, he’s overcome with tears. After that, Dalton explains that he’s so emotional because he’s been on his own since he was around 15 years old—and being able to perform and to show his spirit to the world is such a huge gift.

After seeing this all happen on stage, nearly everybody is crying. As Cowell says, Dalton’s take on the song even gave him a new view on it! Needless to say, everyone loved it!
Congratulations to Dalton Harris on a truly amazing performance! Be sure to watch the whole thing in the link below:
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