If you’ve ever been to a high school basketball game, you know just how enthusiastic the crowd gets. Sure, this isn’t the NBA but sometimes, it’s better. While the kids on the court give it everything they have, family, friends, students, and faculty sit on the sidelines cheering them on.
Halftime entertainment
Just like during professional games, high schools also have halftime shows. But in most cases, those\ consist of students dancing, singing, or both. Well, at one school, everyone was in for something different…a type of entertainment they never expected.

A fantastic video
This epic halftime performance occurred back in 2019. And although it’s only been viewed a little more than 1,700 times, it’s worth every second to watch. Just like the players, these performers went above and beyond to make sure everyone was entertained.

Who are they?
The video starts with men walking into the center of the court from one side. Initially, it’s hard to tell who they are. But then, the announcer lets the people in the stands know these are the fathers of the basketball players.

Everyone waits
No one’s sure what they have planned. Any time you get a bunch of dads together, things could go amazingly well or they could turn south quickly. So, the crowd waited to see what they would do and how it would turn out.

Getting into formation
After getting into a single file, the men marched toward the center of the court and then separated into three groups. They haven’t even done anything and already, the crowd was going wild. For a few seconds, all you can hear are a lot of yelling and applause.

The music starts
But then, the music started. To good old rock and roll, a few of the dads in front played air guitar. They then moved into a different formation…this time…a triangle. They were all bobbing up and down and shaking their bodies to the song’s tempo.

Shake that booty
With perfect timing, they put their hands on their hips and began shaking their booties from left to right. The entire time, the people in attendance were still screaming and cheering them on.

Rockette copycats
Okay, so these dads aren’t professional dancers but they tried their darndest. One of their cool moves is when they came together to perform high kicks. You know, the kind by the famous Rockettes? Keep in mind, for men, that’s not particularly easy yet they did it.

Not too shabby
You have to give these fathers kudos. Going out in front of a huge crowd to do something they probably weren’t comfortable with, they deserve a lot of credit. Best of all, they got the crowd excited.

Amazing move
Without question, their best move was at the 2:12 mark in the video. In perfect synchronization, they jumped up with their legs spread. That’s when everyone really went nuts. And who could blame them? It was pretty spectacular.

Often, kids feel embarrassed when their parents do things like this. But these guys were so into it, we’re sure the players were proud. After all, these dads performed in support of the school and their children.
This is one of those feel-good videos. After watching it, you’ll find yourself smiling. To see these dads in action, simply click on the video below. This is one of those feel-good videos. After watching it, you’ll find yourself smiling. To see these dads in action, simply click on the video below. Along with these dads, the Middleton school has a fantastic pep team that gives amazing performances.
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