Father And Daughter Sing Beautiful Cover Of “Angel”
I could listen to them all day.
Eduardo Gaskell

We all love a fantastic duet. Originals, renditions of classics, artists reviving some of their work, they’re great. Nothing like two talented singers blending their voices together for an awe inspiring performance which fans can relive over and over on the internet.

Perhaps some of the more popular duet acts would be Andrea Bocelli and Celine Dion, whose performances have clearly stood the test of time that they have become the standard by which other duets are measured. Fair enough.

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But move away from the mainstream artists and you’ll find surprising talents out there. The kind where we ask ourselves, why aren’t they more popular? We’ll leave that up to speculation.

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How about this father-daughter duo?

Adrian & Emma-Jean Galliard certainly fit the why are they not more famous category. Sure, there are thousands of amazing singers out there but not all of them can pull off singing a classic like this one.

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Sarah McLachlan‘s “Angel” is a hauntingly beautiful song full of meaning, sung with a lot of soul and control.

No easy feat, this song. And yet dad and daughter don’t shy away from singing it AND posting it online.

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McLachlan wrote the song in two days.

She was burned out mentally and physically and was having some time off in a cottage in Montreal when she read about the death of Smashing Pumpkins’ keyboardist, Jonathan Melvoin. This inspired and prompted Sarah to write as she felt so much empathy for the late musician who overdosed trying to cope with loneliness, searching desperately for some kind of release.

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The song also made it to the 1998 film City of Angels. Nicolas Cage plays Seth, an angel who comforts and guides mortals close to death into the next life. The angles here do not fully understand human beings as they don’t have the senses mortals do.

Seth chances upon Meg Ryan’s Maggie. A doctor whose efforts and character intrigue Seth. He gives up his life as an angel to become human so he can be with her. You get the idea.

It is a romantic yet bittersweet story sure to get those tears flowing.

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The words flow from Emma-Jean who sings with a richness in her voice, a tone powerful yet smooth to the ears.

It’s more opera than mainstream which makes it even more impressive.

“Spend all your time waiting
For that second chance
For a break that would make it okay

There’s always some reason
To feel not good enough
And it’s hard at the end of the day”
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Adrian provides the backup and his blending is unreal.

He stands out in a way that complements his daughter’s voice. A lower, almost baritone-like quality paired with Emma-Jean’s angelic singing makes the song’s lyrics come to life.
“In the arms of the angel
Fly away from here
From this dark, cold, hotel room
And the endlessness that you fear
You are pulled from the wreckage
Of your silent reverie”
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Father and daughter admit in the description that the song and the film are some of their favorites and they decided to cover it just before Freedom Day in South Africa.
It looks like people will want to hear more from this talented dad and daughter team. The quality of their singing is phenomenal and it wouldn’t be surprising to see them make it big someday.
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They are truly impressive. Check out Adrian and Emma-Jean in the video below.

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Source: YouTube, Adrian and Emma
