Couple melts the ice with a romantic skating performance
This performance was so incredible it astounded even devoted fans.
Catherine Marucci

These two are so talented that they make even the most difficult ice-skating moves seem effortless. They glide across the ice in an ideal pairs dance routine that cannot be missed. Every spin, every jump, every detail is faultless.

So, we undeniably know they’re talented. However, Tessa Virtue and Scott Moir have something else going for them as well – chemistry. This routine isn’t just a technically flawless performance. It entirely seems like a demonstration of the perfect love.

The routine

As the music starts, the two begin a display of impeccably synced dance moves on the ice. They make it look effortless and graceful, even as Scott lifts and twirls Tessa. They also make perfect use of the entire ice, covering the space as the spotlight follows the two, and their routine brings them through both sweet moments and impressive ones.

It’s obvious that trust, training, and dedication went into this flawless performance.

YouTube - Goldie
YouTube - Goldie

Love on ice

…and then there’s the chemistry.

It’s impossible to miss. From the smiles that pass between them, his hand on her hair as he brushes it from her face, and the moments where the two skaters almost seem to merge into one. They have everything it takes to leave an audience as love-struck as the pair appear to be.

Fans commenting on YouTube agree:

“Am I the only one here who cannot help myself from tearing up when I see them skate together? They are beautiful, eloquent and bring up so much emotion in me! I am in love with these two!!!”

“I’ve never wanted two people live happily ever after together more in my ENTIRE life. Like seriously.”

YouTube - Goldie
YouTube - Goldie

The scoop

As for if they’re a couple, the answer is no. The two Canadians chose to focus on their skating rather than complicating things with a relationship. Fans have theorized that the two of them not getting involved romantically may be the reason for that almost palpable intense longing that we see between them.


The clothes that were chosen for the ice exhibition were absolutely ideal. Her red dress complimented his all-black attire. It also added to that unspoken chemistry between them. It looked like a dance devoted to using figure skates and a little bit of magic to describe a perfect romantic date and lifelong devotion, all wrapped into one.

YouTube - Goldie
YouTube - Goldie


The music in the video is Ed Sheeran’s Perfect. It was dubbed in by the uploader of the video because they felt that it was the ideal song to describe the dancing duo’s presence on the ice over the years.

It would be hard to argue with their choice of song! The words really do sum up everything that the audience loves about Tessa and Scott.

What’s even more amazing is how well it fits the moves of their routine. It’s like the song was made for that moment.

The original music that the pair actually skated to was Long Time Running by Tragically Hip. That works for us too!


They were paired together as skaters before they were even ten years old and skated as a pair for more than twenty years.

After winning the Olympics a second time in 2018, the pair decided that it was finally time to retire.

We hope they change their minds and at least give one more encore performance. If they don’t, we still have this and so many other videos from their ice-skating years.

Check out the video below to see their perfect routine and get started on a trip down memory lane that we hope never stops.

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