Jessica Cox and Sean McKeever live and breathe dance.
So, it’s no wonder that these two were able to snag the first place trophy at the 2015 Capital Swing Dancers Convention.
Not only did their routine wow the crowd, but it also wowed about 7.2 million viewers on YouTube.

Jessica is classically trained in swing dance and has been dancing since she was 5-years-old.
She entered her first U.S. Open when she was just 6!
Jessica, who was born and raised in California, went on to pick up a ton of dancing awards over the years.

She even teaches dance to others now.
Her 2015 Capital Swing Dancers Convention partner, Sean McKeever has also been dancing since he was a kid.
He first started dancing in seventh grade after his mom took him to a ballroom dance class in Sonoma County, California.

Sean was a natural from the start and quickly excelled in the ranks of his dance classes.
He became involved in West Coast Swing in 2006 after attending the Captial Swing Dancer’s Convention.
Sean instantly fell in love with the smooth and upbeat style of swing dance.

He too achieved competitive success after taking on swing dancing fulltime.
Now, he and his fiancé Courtney Adair travel all over the world exposing people to their love for dance.
Sean and Jessica teamed up in 2015 to compete over President’s Day Weekend, which is when the Captial Swing Convention is usually held in Sacramento, California.

Dancers from all over descend on the competition to show off their talent and skills for a chance at winning the prestige of first place.
But Sean and Jessica came prepared to show them all up and give a performance that their fellow dancers, fans and judges wouldn’t forget.

They walked on the dance floor with wide smiles, holding hands, swinging arms, and shrugging their shoulders to loosen up.
Then they embraced in a happy hug until the beat dropped.

As Bruno Mars’ “Uptown Funk” played they started to nod their head to the beat.
Jessica captures the crowd with the hypnotic swing of her hips as Sean twists her around into a deep dip.
The crowd immediately starts to go wild and cheer the energy Jessica and Sean just pumped into the room.

The two spin each other around in elaborate arms twists and giving the crowd tons of showmanship that causes even their fellow dancers to jump to their feet and cheer.
The chemistry between these two is just incredible and the joy they are bringing to everyone in the room was palpable.
Once the music faded out the crowd of fans and judges jumped to their feet in applause.

Everyone was completely blown away by these two!
“This is SO TERRIFIC, they both are just wonderful, together, what a pair!!!! Can’t get enough, have been watching them as often as I am able to, since I found them!” wrote one YouTuber.

“I always love Ms. Cox, her style, the gracefulness, sharp moves, accurate timing. I love to watch her again and again and again,” said another.
“I’ve watched her with a lot of other partners but ‘THIS GUY GETS HER”!!! Perfect combo!!” and another.
Check out the video of this incredible performance below.
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