Dirty Dancing‘s iconic dance scene where Patrick Swayze lifts up actress Jennifer Grey is one that we’re sure many couples have attempted to try in private, but for Somerset-based Sharon and Andy Price, their attempt placed them in the hospital unconscious.
The two love the film and have reportedly watched it over thirty times together; they decided that they want to recreate the move when they get married sometime next year. While at a beer garden, they decided they might take a stab at trying it for the first time.
Instead of getting close to the move, the two collided into each other- Andy was knocked out unconscious while Sharon also sustained injuries. The two were rushed to the local hospital.

On the moment, Sharon noted:
“I have always loved Dirty Dancing and it is one of my all time favourite films. We were in the beer garden and my niece and nephew were messing around trying to do the lift. So I looked at Andy and suggested that we have it as our first dance at our wedding. We immediately set about trying to recreate that iconic moment. But it’s fair to say it didn’t go to plan. When I ran at Andy he tried to lift me, but we just collided. At first our family thought we were just messing about but they soon realised we had actually really hurt ourselves.”
The two ended up beaten up by their attempt, but are reportedly both fine. The two have been dating for 18 months and were engaged last Christmas; they are set to get married sometime next year. As for their upcoming first dance, they have decided against attempting the lift move again, and have commented that they’ll settle for a slow dance.

Sharon also finally commented:
“All I could hear was the paramedics saying he was going in and out of consciousness. Our feet were still entwined and they had to separate us. We were both badly bruised but we’re alright now. I think we’re going to go for a slow one for our first dance.”
They recently reattempted the move on ITV- that time was a tad more successful!
While we know that their tumble caused a little bit of embarrassment for the couple, we are truly glad they are healthy and uninjured in the long term.We hope to see their light and joyful love continue to keep them and their family happy for many more years!

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