In the recently held Budafest 2020, a power duo amazed the audience with their amazing dancing skills. The incredible impromptu performance was captured and has become viral ever since it was uploaded on YouTube in January 2020.

Professional dancers Jordan Frisbee and Emeline Rochefeuille wowed their audience when they danced the swing to the tune of ’90s iconic song “Macarena” performed by Los Del Rio. The spontaneity of their performance was absolutely amazing. Their talent for dancing was undeniable and their palpable energy as they danced in the midst of a huge audience was extremely infectious!

On the Sunday of Budafest 2020, both of the dancers were invited to the popular Invitational/Champions Jack&Jill. For this year, the game was to pick a theme and get three songs to which the dancers may perform.
The dancers also have the chance to chose or to switch the song but they can only do this twice. If they cannot choose the first or the second song, they have no other choice but to perform the third song.
Jordan and Emeline did not want to dance to the first song. But when the second song played in the air, the audience gave loud applause which prompted the dancing duo to pick the said song.

The song was none other than the legendary song “Macarena”. Of course, the audience went wild! Obviously, the dance couple decided to pick it, too.
The crowd cheered loudly as the couple accepted the challenge and prepared to dance to the Los Del Rio classic. When they started their impromptu routine, everyone in the room just went wild with cheers!

We all have an idea of how “Macarena” should be danced and somehow, the crowd expected the couple to incorporate the dance’s popular moves in their routine. And they were not disappointed.
Although Jordan and Emeline were dancing the swing, they did not fail to integrate the song’s iconic moves to their own performance.

The famous hand gestures and body shaking that “Macarena” was known for were also seen in their routine and the way they injected these moves to the dance was so smooth and professional!
People were awed by how they amazingly mixed the art of swing and the pop moves of the classic ’90s song. This only goes to show that the dancers were definitely champion performers!

Apart from that, the way the two of them made ad-libs and how they put extra flair in their moves was beyond incredible. Each step and gesture was nicely executed, making it look like their routine is not spontaneous at all.
Their collaboration was one marvelous mash-up of talent and their audience was just so glad to be witnessing their fabulous and remarkable performance.

Their on-the-spot dance number ended with a beautiful finale that garnered them a huge round of applause from their viewers. They were simply fantastic, indeed!
Are you curious to see these power dancers’ spontaneous yet spectacular routine? Watch the video below and prepare to be knocked off your socks.
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