Nothing pairs better with an old song than a classic dance. This couple effortlessly glides across their small dance studio to Frank Sinatra’s silky voice belting out “Fly Me to the Moon”. The song is unmistakeable. It’s a classic that everyone knows and what makes creating a dance routine to so easy. And that’s what this couple proves as soon as they start to move. They make this ballroom dance look so easy.

The couple dancing are actually dance in structors. They run Blackpool School, a dance school that teaches classes for all sorts of dance in Poland. The school may seem small, but that doesn’t mean that it isn’t high quality. Both instructors featured in the video have years of experience and have even taught master classes in ballroom dancing. As if their moves aren’t enough, their resumes are just as impressive.
The dance starts with the couple eyeing each other from across the room. With a spin the man moves across the floor to take the woman’s hand and he pulls her in just as Frank Sinatra’s signature line “Fly me to the moon” is heard in the background. They take a few steps, before he starts to spin her around the room. The dance may seem simple, but there is intricate foot work that these two have mastered.

Not only does the couple look great together, their moves are perfectly in sync. The way that he holds her for turns, and the way she knows exactly where his hand will be after that turn is perfect every time. There isn’t a single error the entire dance, which just goes to show these two have been dancing for years.

They continue to move towards the camera, kicking each foot out to the side (again, in perfect sync) and throwing in an impressive dip. The couple then moves on to guiding each other around the room. Their moves are so graceful and coordinated it looks as if they’re floating, like they’re not taking steps at all. For what looks like such a small room, it looks so much larger as they move their way about it.

Then just as the song builds, he lifts her. They spin in place, her with perfect form, and him making the move look like it requires zero effort. Then they casually pick up the dancing again as if something that beautiful, didn’t just occur. Another dip and gliding across the room follow as this. couple continues to nail every move of this routine.

For the big finish there’s one more seamless lift before they pull each other close and dip to the last few chords of the song. The Youtube video has gained thousands of views and likes from everyone all over the world. Also, the comment section is filled with viewers complimenting their moves and amazed at how effortless they make it seem. Luckily their YouTube channel is filled more videos for everyone to practice on their own or just enjoy the ones that know how to do it so well.
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