“Take Me Home, Country Roads” by John Denver is a classic American song. Therefore, it is only fitting that the song has its own country line dance. The line dance is so popular that it is danced all over the world, including in France.
These country line dancers took the country roads of West Virginia to the French roads in Vic-sur-Cère.

This line dance is danced to a remix of “Take Me Home, Country Roads.” It adds some extra beats to the song and makes it more lively to dance to.

The beauty of line dancing is that any person can become a great line dancer, this video is complete proof. These dancers are made up of men and women of all ages. There is even a young girl right up front, even kids can be great line dancers! This array of line dancers are all amazing dancers but, most importantly, they are there to have fun.
The smiles are wide and permanent fixtures on these line dancers.

This is a quick line dance and these dancers are keeping up with every step.
The line dance has the dancers turning in every direction. Their quick footwork is impressive as they all stay in sync with each other throughout every step. Some of the dancers even add in an extra step by taking off their cowboy hat during one of the turns. It is a fun addition to the line dance.

The dancers are not only dancing in unison but they are dressed in unison too. Their matching green plaid shirts and blue jeans are fitting for their country song and dance. Watching the dancers move in together, in the same outfit, they can turn into a blur at their high pace. The only difference between the dancers are their array of cowboy hats.
Every cowboy hat is a personal choice and these dancers have all chosen their unique cowboy hat look.

The song slows down about halfway through and the dancers all grab each others arms.
If you were confused about the steps because of the fast pace, this is your time to slowly watch their footwork. It is not only the song that slows down, the dancers slow down with the song too. The dancers grapevine and complete all their steps as if they were in slow motion, compared to their original pace. Make sure to pay attention during this section because it does not last long. They are back to the remix’s fast pace quickly.

They might have slowed down for a quick second but when the song speeds back up they start dancing faster than before! A great way to end their lively line dance.

The fun line dance has been viewed over one million times. Some viewers commented,
“I love this song, the dance looks like fun, and it’s great to see so many smiles! Very uplifting :)”

“They are very good. I will never tire of watching this video and then the John Denver song that I love.”

“Fantastic song and the foot work of the dancers is second to none”

Watch the full line dance right below!
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