Police officers across the country have been proving just how talented they are. In addition to keeping us safe and stopping the bad guys – turns out, many of them can shake their hips and lip sync their hearts out too.
Luckily, a challenge surfaced on the internet that allowed cops to shine like the little stars that they are. We’re talking about the “Lip Sync Challenge!”

These cops are really stepping it up.
Each lip sync challenge video is enjoyable to watch – but now we have a string of videos where cops have really stepped up not only their performances, but their production quality too.
The Police Department of Coventry finished their lip sync video rather awesomely.

With a police officer flying into the sky like Neo at the end of The Matrix, soaring through the air to do a “superhero landing” outside the Warwick Police Department to challenge them to do their own…
“Seeing how Warwick police are so comfortable in front of the cameras being on Live PD and all. Good luck guys.”

Challenge accepted.
But did the Warwick Police Department pull off a good video too? Let’s just say they didn’t earn almost 5 million views for nothing!
It begins with the main officer of the video brushing up with a little makeup. Another officer walks in and exclaims:
“Whoah, what are you doing?”
The officer responds “Well I gotta look good in case I get on live PD”. This officer knows what’s up, and if RuPaul’s Drag Race has taught us anything about lip syncs, it’s to never go into battle without your warpaint.
Don’t worry Mr. Concerned Officer, this cop knows what he’s doing.

They burst through the doorway as Bruno Mars kicks in.
A little 24K magic anyone? These cops break into action, lip syncing and busting a move. With an upbeat song like this, it’s hard to not have fun along with them.
Pretty sure it was their own way of de-stressing from the job as well.

As they head down the hall, the guys are joined by their buddies in blue.
The numbers increase, as does the fun. Even a fake human, presumably some sort of punching bag or target joins in.

The officers hand it over to the Fire Department next. As to be expected, the temperatures rise!
The song shifts over to Backstreet Boys’ “I Want It That Way”, and the whole Fire Department shows up, guitars, axes and all.
The whole crew enthusiastically sync along, giving Coventry a run for their money.

These officers and firefighters have a sense of humor as well.
Not afraid to have a laugh, these officers throw in a little humor too! Either that, or they’re trying to lip sync and demonstrate first-aid at the same time.

Not only do we see the PD and the Fire Departments, but some other interesting characters too.
We get to visit the jail cells and see some of the inmates locked inside.
Let’s just say some of them, while lip syncing to David Bowie and Freddie Mercury’s “Under Pressure” are little bit…eccentric.

We even get to see an arrest “happen” to the tune of Akon’s “Locked Up”.
Well, who better to demonstrate an arrest than those who do them all the time, right?
Not sure if those being arrested are usually mouthing the words to songs though…

At the end of the video, Warwick announces the next challengers…
They call the Providence Police Department up to the plate! But after Warwick’s awesome video, they were going to have a lot of work if they wanted to be victors.

You can watch Warwick’s viral lip sync challenge video for yourself below!
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