Policemen are not always busy with protecting the community and saving the day. In their free time, they are also busy with responding to dance challenges!

On June 14, 2017, the Hastings Police Department got a dance challenge from the Grand Island Police Department. Competitive as they are, the cops in this station weren’t going to give up easily or hide. It’s “Challenge accepted!” for these guys and gals of the law, and this is how they responded with an amazing performance!
In a video posted by the police department in their YouTube channel, the cops at Hastings showed everyone, especially the dancing cops at Grand Island PD, that they can also dance. The police officers made sure that their dance number will be something that will leave their challengers’ jaws dropped in utter amazement.

In the footage, the policemen had their backs at the camera as they waited for the music to play. When V.I.C.’s “Wobble” played in the air, the cops instantly moved to the beat!
The five dancing police officers were each doing their unique steps as they slowly faced the camera. At the back, the two police cars facing each other can be seen, while a man in a striped shirt, sunglasses, and a bonnet came from the middle of the vehicles. Clearly, he is part of the performance and looked like he was a cop disguising as a robber.
As the lively music played on, the cops were making all sorts of funny steps and moves, making the video even more entertaining! The man in the striped shirt gradually danced his way at the back of the dancers, too.

When the chorus of the famous song hit, all the five cops “wobbled” and shook their bodies like there’s no tomorrow. They were absolutely fun to watch!
They were looking up, looking down, shaking their booty and moving their hands to do the popular “Wobble” dance moves. All the while, the guy at the back was making his own moves as he held a bag with a huge dollar sign on it.

These guys are totally having fun! The loud and lively music paired with their antics and dancing skills were the ultimate form of entertainment. What a hilarious and adorable bunch they are, indeed!

At some point in their dance number, the guy disguising as a robber went missing from the camera’s sight for a few seconds. And when he came back, he was already in front and doing the most hilarious dance steps. He was doing his own version of Michael Jackson’s moonwalk.

In the end, the “robber” realized that he was actually in front of dancing policemen and ran for his life, clutching the bag of cash as he sprinted. It was a fun twist and a totally unexpected move from these creative cops. Now that’s “Wobble” the Hastings PD way!
Watch as these cops move and groove to the beat of “Wobble” You will surely love their hilarious take on the song.
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