It’s always nice being able to have a little fun on the job. But there are some jobs that are just too important for employees to be distracted.
Unless that distraction is dancing, of course.
Truly, it’ important to have balance in every aspect of one’s life. Why shouldn’t that apply to work? Those who work at high stressful jobs such as first responders face a ton of pressure on a daily basis. Their decisions can greatly affect the outcome of a situation.

Which might just make it even more important for them to take a break from the job and do something that brings them joy.
That is definitely what one LAPD officer decided to do.
Officer Jeffery Booker was out on the job on his motorcycle when he stopped by a Cuban American Music Festival. While there, he can’t seem to suppress the desire to dance. Los Angeles can be a tough city. We can’t blame him for wanting to take a dance break.

That’s just what he does. Not only is he having a fun time with some of the locals, but he’s a great salsa dancer too! Really, you might read the headline of the video and shrug it off but this man has moves!

Though it isn’t clear whether the officer is a trained salsa dancer, we wouldn’t be surprised. Even those watching seem genuinely impressed and intrigued with his dancing skills. Several onlookers pull out their phones and begin recording the officer and his dancing partner.
The woman in the video clearly also knows how to salsa too as she is able to keep up with the officer with little effort. This, of course, makes the video all the more exciting to watch.

Those in the audience cheer and even whistle as the officer spins and guides his partner around the makeshift dance floor. One woman in a red lawn chair can hardly contain her desire to dance. As she watches the pair spinning and shaking their hips, she excitedly does some moves of her own from the chair.

As the story developed, it was revealed that the officer had initially turned down invitations to dance because he was in uniform. But once he received the ‘okay’ from his supervisor, he jumped right in.
“I’m flabbergasted,” Officer Booker told CBS Los Angeles. “I didn’t think much of it when a person was taking video. I thought it would be great just to show that ‘hey, police are people too.’ It just kind of took off.”
It sure did. The officer wasn’t shy about making his rounds. There are videos floating around the internet of him dancing with another woman!

But it is all in fun. Luckily, that’s exactly what a lot of the viewers thought as well.
“WOW!! They’ve got some serious moves! I love police officers that have no problem taking in parts of the communities.”
“Ive been wondering where my dance partner has been..god i wish i had him to dance with…he is amazing.”
“man’s got mad skills”
He sure does! It’s nice to see officers and citizens having some fun together. This day was definitely one for the books!

If you’d like to see how good this officer’s dancing skills are, you can watch the video below!
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