We’re not able to attend concerts right now because of the coronavirus. But lucky for us, one musician dad formed a band at home with his three kids, and their online performances are rocking!
Meet the Clark family from Tampa, Florida – otherwise known as Colt Clark and the Quarantine Kids.

People across the globe have been out of work and financially affected because of the close-downs. As a professional musician, Colt’s business came to a halt and he’s been hunkering down with his family ever since.
That didn’t mean the music had to come to an end though…
Many wouldn’t be surprised to hear that the Clark kids are musically talented like their father. So, the family decided to create a band of their own – and now their filmed performances have captured the internet’s attention!

This band is on fire.
Colt Clark and the Quarantine Kids is made up of four band members, with mom Aubree (a photographer) in charge of the camerawork. Besides dad, there are two boys and a little girl (who has quite the dance skills). When they combine their talents they can really bring down the house!

The group’s been learning and sharing a new song on social media every day. They’ve covered numerous great classics like “Dancing in the Dark,” “Brown Eyed Girl,” “Wooly Bully,” “Runaround Sue,” and many more. Not only are the performances really good – they’re pretty darn cute too.

Wednesdays in the Clark house are “Beatles Wednesdays.” One video that’s going viral features the family’s awesome cover of “Come Together.”
Colt is the main vocalist and guitarist in the video, but his boys Cash and Beckett join him with their instruments. Six-year-old Bellamy is responsible for introducing the group, playing the egg shaker, singing, and grooving to the music.

It’s impossible not to smile watching Colt Clark and the Quarantine Kids in action.
Colt’s an incredible musician and his skills shine bright in the performance. When he joins with his gifted kids – they’re the best…band…ever. There’s no denying that adorable Bellamy steals a bit of the spotlight with her moves.

This is one proud daddy-o.
In less than a week, the band’s cover of “Come Together” has been shared 89K times on Facebook alone. Colt wrote:
“I said, ‘Let’s try to do an easy Beatles song this week for Beatles Wednesday.’ They picked this one. 😳 I had my doubts because it’s not so easy, but they NAILED it … This is day 31 of our nightly fam jam. I teach the kids a song in the morning, we play it a couple times and then record it in the evening. The songs are far from perfect but we are having a blast doing it.”

The Clarks also have their own YouTube channel with all their “quarantine” performances.
Mom Aubree provided the following sweet description:
“Hello everyone! We’re the Clark family. Colt (the Dad) is a professional musician and Aubree (me, the Mom behind the camera) is a photographer. Together we home school our three children (even when we’re not in the middle of a pandemic). :) We’re keeping busy during our time at home by learning a new song everyday. We thought we’d record them and share as we go. Hopefully it brightens your day!”

Once you see Colt Clark and the Quarantine Kids’ version of “Come Together,” you might become a huge fan yourself! A friend of Colt set up a GoFundMe page for the Clarks (because of his loss of work), so people can leave the dad a tip in a “virtual tip jar” if desired.

You can watch the group’s rockin’ performance of “Come Together” for yourself below!
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