Attending school can be pretty fun, but it can also be quite stressful.
This is especially true in college, when every student is faced with a long-term dilemma whether they chose the right path or not.
Some students stood up to sing during their engineering exam and the result is a must-watch video.
Engineering is one of the hardest paths in university.
It bombards you with problems that involve hard analytical and logical thinking, and the solutions are complicated formulas that you have no idea where or when to use.
One of the stressful challenges every student’s faces are examinations, and at the University of Toronto, a classroom full of first-year engineering students were about to take one.
Right as the exam was about to start, the students are already stuck staring at their papers. A moment later, a familiar tune suddenly played on the room’s speakers—”One Day More” from the musical Les Miserables.
A bunch of students started to vocalize the stresses and doubts of every student while taking their exams.
The professor asked whoever was responsible to turn the music off.
Still, instead of following their professor’s command, one guy stood up on the desk and started singing. The song was dubbed as “One Test More,” a hilarious parody of the Les Miserables classic about every engineering student’s experiences.
The professor urged the student to sit down, but soon after, more students followed the guy one by one.
The other students had no idea of what was going on and they all just softly giggled while the confusing event unfolded before their eyes.
When the students thought that it was getting out of hand, this professor surprisingly sang his part as well!
Initially, the professor was enraged by all the commotion—but before long, he couldn’t calm the situation down.
He asked someone to call security, but it was after that when he broke out of character and sang his part of the song.
The professor was in charge of Javert’s part of the song, and the students were shocked to see him join in on the vocals.
An exchange and blending of voices shortly followed with one hilariously singing, “I’ll say it here, this test is f*cked!” The fun ended shortly after they all harmoniously bellowed: “One test more!”
Even though it was surely a fun and unexpected event, one student was not amused.
The whole class was busy clapping and cheering with their classmates’ performance, but you could see that the guy with a grey shirt in the second row was fed up.
He probably just wanted to focus on the exam…so he just made his exit before anything else could start.
Regardless of that, the unexpected parody performance sure took a lot of pressure off the students’ shoulders!
Hopefully, they were given a small extension and were able to revert their focus on the exam.
University is the final stage before getting a taste of the real world, ending in a degree.
At this level, you have to choose between difficult choices that will ultimately lead you to your future.
However, it’s not a bad thing for students to take some time to rest before they get overwhelmed by schoolwork.
Therefore, if you want to enjoy your university life, be sure to take a breather every now and then.
If you want someone to take a break from school works, share this with them to cheer them up! Watch the video below:
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