Jeff Trig is a self-proclaimed “dude” from Arkansas who also has Parkinson’s. He recently embarked on a new adventure in life – taking on a 2.8-acre homestead.
In addition to tending to the land, animals, and home, Jeff also likes to film YouTube videos showcasing his lifestyle. It was in October of 2017 that he moved onto his property and wrote this when he started his YouTube channel:
“Tonight, Friday October 27, 2017, just happens to be the first night I’ll sleep at Bobblehead Homestead. It may be the trashiest homestead in the United States, but it’s mine. No rent, no mortgage, $12/month property taxes, no problematic building codes or zoning restrictions, water well, electricity, and fast fiber optic internet.
2.8 flatish wooded acres located in the picturesque valley between Magazine Mountain – the highest elevation in Arkansas at the southern tip of the Ozarks – and the northern tip of the Ouachita Mountains, my place also sits about 1 – 1/2 miles from Blue Mountain Lake.
An injured cat and 4 wild hens came with the property in addition to 3 dilapidated sheds and all the trash and junk. I want pigs, more chickens, flowers, worms, food, guineas, and more than I can handle. It’ll be an adventure that is fun to share and a great chance to get appreciated help from others who know a lot more about this stuff than I do.”
Viewers of Jeff’s channel called Bobblehead Homestead can usually find videos like how to build a chicken coop, how to grow vegetables, or his encounters with opossums, – but one day, he decided he’d do something a little goofy and out-of-the-box.
Jeff Trig, the Bobblehead Homestead, created a ‘dancing farmer dance-off’ video – multitasking between his daily farm chores and doing a little jig.
In the video, Jeff wakes up like any normal day and starts his chores of feeding the chickens, doing a little gardening, and bailing the hay. But with all of these chores and hard work, it appears that Jeff needs a little fun in his life. So, why not start doing a little dancing?

About halfway through the video is when Jeff really starts getting groovy and showcases his dancing skills – holding a pitchfork and everything! Although on his video description, he says, there is “very little real dancing involved here, but I do like having some fun.” Either way – we’re loving every minute of it.

Jeff’s lightheartedness and sense of humor really resignated with his thousands of followers.
Commenters loved the out-of-the-ordinary video that he posted. It was a nice way to remind everyone that life should never be taken too seriously – it’s much too short. Here are some of the kind words that were left for the homestead farmer by viewers.

“This was the most fun video I’ve seen in a long time. I wish there was more like it on You Tube. Thanks for showing us how much you’re enjoying life at Bobblehead Homestead! Have an awesome day!” said one commenter.
“That’s Awesome! Nice work Jeff! Isn’t it nice not to have neighbors… you can just break out in song and dance any ol time!” said another person.
“I HAVE to watch this again because too many tears were running down my face the first time. You are a trip. Thank you.” boasted someone else.
It’s clear that this “farmer dude” has many talents and we wish him the best on his homestead adventures. If you’d like to help Jeff get supplies and tools for his homestead, you can view his Amazon wishlist here.
Watch the full farmer dance-off in the video below.
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