Pretty little Claire Ryann Crosby is a YouTube sensation all thanks to her dad, Dave, who discovered that his daughter could carry a pitch at such an early age. It was a little after her first birthday when Claire kept hitting the same note on a piano while singing the exact same note.
Her break out hit was from Disney’s The Little Mermaid which went viral earning over eight million views in a little over two months. And just for future reference, her favorite Disney princesses are Sleeping Beauty, Ariel, Elsa.

Aside from Claire’s love for Disney, she also sings Christian themed songs.

The Crosby family are members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and they don’t shy away from singing songs about their Savior. Here’s Claire with “Come Thou Fount Of Every Blessing“.
This song was written by Robert Robinson in 1758 when he was just 22 years old.

Claire Crosby’s rendition couldn’t have come at a more perfect time. Her singing gives people hope. Claire’s bringing the light!

The setting is on a beautiful mountain and Claire, looking more grown up than usual, walks through a path singing way above the clouds while overlooking a lake.
“Come Thou fount of every blessing
Tune my heart to sing Thy grace
Streams of mercy never ceasing
Call for songs of loudest praise”
You can see Claire pouring her little heart into it, as if she sees Jesus in front of her. Or maybe she does. Scripture does say that Jesus let all the children come to Him.

And whether or not you’re a believer, you have to admit this is pretty special. For a young girl her age to sing accompanied by a piano all while professing her faith, then post it online takes guts. People can be cruel, just saying.
Jensen Timm, a viewer, shares,
“I am not Christian but this was really good. I have been researching about it and I think I want to try to become Christian.”
Perhaps it is Claire’s singing that will help him.

What I’d like to know is… Who moved that piano and placed it in the middle of that open field?

Then mom and dad take over, blending their voices together like angels, during the part that goes,
“Here I raise my Ebenezer
Here by Thy great help I’ve come
And I hope by Thy good pleasure
Safely to arrive at home”
Now we know why Claire sings so well!

It is so refreshing to see a family profess their faith online. It could be their way of coping with life, all while sharing their hope in Easter’s message.
Claire and her parents know this all too well. This rendition is all about that message of hope. And we only hope that Claire continues to share her talents with the world.
Listen to the Crosby’s sing their faith below!
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