“Lean on Me”, by Bill Withers is just one of those songs which seems to inflate the listener with a feeling of friendship. It’s hard not to, when the lyrics speak of a close bond between people. It’s about trust, mutual love and care. It’s one of those songs that makes you want to call up that special someone, that important person in your life you has always picked you up when you were down.
For this reason, Withers’ song is often a go-to for feel good events.
Is Bill Withers the only one with the talent and tenderness to do his song justice?
Actually, I think you’ll find the answer is…no! At least you will, when you get smart to a young fella teeming with talent by the name of Christopher Duffley. He’s ambitious and passionate about performance and finds himself onstage in front of large and prestigious audiences, and sometimes singing alongside singing greats such as The Tenors.
In one performance for the Canucks Autism Network, Christopher offered his voice, and his representation to a beautiful rendition of Withers’ song.
Once again on stage with The Tenors, but this time in Venice, Christopher lends his talent to a night of celebrating the remarkable autistic people of the world. This is fitting, as Christopher himself is autistic, as well as blind. He opens his performance by proving himself to be quite the showman.
“Y’all can put your hands together if you want. While you look at those images of Italy there.”

Canucks Autism Network is a Canadian Autism support network with global outreach.
Started by Paolo and Clara Aquilini, co-owners of the Vancouver Canucks hockey team, the network promotes community engagement for those with autism, as well as acceptance and inclusion for autistic children. So, as you can imagine, having talented support from the likes of Christopher and The Tenors is huge!
Christopher’s charisma is magnetic.
The Tenors watch on as Christopher starts the song off, and brings his big passion to the song. Bringing early energy to the song, shortly after he introduces it, he shows off just what his deceptively powerful voice can do. For such a young singer, he really brings the heat!

When Fraser hops in, the song elevates.
Fraser Walters brings The Tenors into the song, with his soft and gentle tone. For a song about friendship and trust, his warm voice adds a genuine flourish to the heartfelt lyrics.

And when they all come together…wow!
What an ensemble! Each of their individually unique voices adds something special to this cocktail of delight as they all join in Withers’ beautiful song.

The star of the show however, is obviously Christopher.
Despite the fact that he’s on stage with three professional singers, Christopher still shines brightest. The energy he allows to pour from his heart out to everyone in the audience is what makes his performance so engaging. Christopher is a stellar example of how there is truly no obstacle for genuine talent. How great is it that he uses his powers for good, and to help a network such as C.A.N.?

Watch the full video below to enjoy Christopher’s immense talent!
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