One of the best parts of Thanksgiving ending is the start of the Christmas season and nothing screams Christmas more than Christmas lights and Christmas trees.
When it comes to decorating, some people are more extreme about it than others. They are the ones who are setting up elaborate light shows for the whole neighborhood to enjoy. For example, the hilarious light show that went viral on TikTok a few days ago.
It all started with talking trees, loads of colorful lights, and goofy plot lines.

Two trees arguing
However, the most ridiculous part came right at the beginning when both of the trees started arguing with each other.
Their heated debate had millions of people on the Internet rolling over in laughter.
“So the other night I was driving through my neighborhood and then saw some trees arguing,” wrote Brielle_faith on TikTok.

Both trees are show-offs
The talking trees were trying to show off the light show they had created.
However, they had some real disagreements about how to proceed. Brielle_faith caught the whole ordeal on camera and it’s something that you have to see for yourself.
“You’re blue when you’re supposed to be white, and then you’re red when you’re supposed to be blue. What’s going on?” the angry tree asked the other tree.

A battle to put on the best light show
There was obvious frustration in the tree’s tone of voice.
He was trying to put on the best light show in the neighborhood, yet the other tree wouldn’t cooperate. The timing of the lights was all over the place. However, the other tree begged to differ. He thought that he was doing just fine.
“I don’t think that’s true. I was blue when I was supposed to be blue and if I need to be red, I can be red, like this, it’s not a problem,” responded the other tree.
The tree then demonstrated his ability to change the color of his lights from green to red.

However, that was just the start of their hilarious debate!
They continued arguing for a while until finally, they decided to just start over again and give it a second go.
“I don’t care what you’re doing over there, maybe you’re drinking some tree sap, I don’t know what’s going on,” said the tree. “Let’s just try it again on three.”

There was a false start on the second try.
The one tree admitted that he didn’t even know how to count to three. It proved to be a big problem as when you are trying to start on three, being able to count is sort of a prerequisite.

On the third try though, the two trees were finally able to pull it off — a perfect light show!
They cued the music and all of the lights in the yard started flashing like crazy.

The trees first changed their light patterns to blue and white moving stripes.
Everything in the yard started blinking, flashing, and changing colors.

Once the trees were actually able to stop arguing and coordinate with each other, they were able to put on the coolest show we’ve ever seen. If they were putting on a light show in our neighborhood, we know that we would definitely stop and watch.
Their silly argument warmed our hearts and souls.

That’s what the holidays are all about — bringing the community together.
Now, everyone in the neighborhood can enjoy a good little laugh as they pass by in the evenings and see what the trees are arguing about today. In times like these, we could all use a little more holiday cheer and spirit!

You can watch part one of the heated tree debate in the video below.
We hope you enjoy it!
Watch on TikTok
Then check out part two of the incredible tree light show in the video below.
Please SHARE this with your friends and family.