It has been almost eighty years since American soldiers stormed the beaches of Normandy, France during World War II. The sacrifice and bravery from the soldiers on that haunting day has not dissipated in the memories of all countries on the Allied Forces side. On the 73rd anniversary the One Voice Children’s Choir performed for veterans and other audience members on Omaha Beach in Normandy.
The children of One Voice Children’s Choir beautifully sang “When You Believe” in honor of all fallen soldiers and veterans in attendance.

One Voice Children’s Choir was invited to the commemoration of D-Day by the United States Department of Defense. The choir did not only dedicate their performance to the all the soldiers who fought on D-Day but also for all the Jewish lives that fell victim during the Holocaust. This was one performance that held a stronger meaning for the choir.
If the One Voice Children’s Choir had any nerves about their momentous performance, they did not show it.

The children that comprise One Voice Children’s Choir are no strangers performing in front of large audiences.
“One Voice Children’s Choir is unique in many ways, but one distinguishing privilege they have is that every arrangement they perform is custom crafted for them by their founder and leader, Masa. His music, combined with the voices of these incredible children, will continue to fill the earth as they seek to carry out their mission – that ‘Through music, they will inspire, enrich, uplift and serve their global community, while building youth as One Voice,’” their official website states.

One Voice Children’s Choir is also unique in that every child that is a member sing together. There are no separate groups divided by age, they all sing as one. This unity creates a more powerful singular voice that helps portray their message of inspiration even more.

For the performance at the commemoration of D-Day, the choir sang the song “When You Believe” from The Prince of Egypt soundtrack. This was the perfect song choice for the occasion. It is an inspiring song that can be relevant for any religion and they were singing to an audience of multiple religions.
SongFacts state, “The song’s message is that when you believe in God and trust in him miracles will happen.”

Their performance will leave you with goosebumps.
One Voice Children’s Choir performs the song in three different languages: English, French and Hebrew. The inclusivity to sing in English for U.S veterans, French for the country they were performing in, and Hebrew for all the suffering and Jewish lives that were lost in the Holocaust is a beautiful tribute. The choir wanted every guest in attendance to feel included and remembered.

The chorus lyrics speak to the strength of all the soldiers on D-Day and the miracle they were able to create with their sacrifice and pain. The lyrics are,
“There can be miracles
When you believe
Though hope is frail
It’s hard to kill
Who knows what miracles
You can achieve
When you believe
Somehow you will
You will when you believe”

The performance is awe-inspiring and a well-deserved performance for all the veterans, French citizens, and Jewish Holocaust victims. From the mouths of children, hope and miracles never seem too far away. Thank you, One Voice Children’s Choir, for creating such an amazing tribute.

Watch the amazing music video One Voice Children’s Choir below.
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